Dance Sparkle Girls Tournament Notes
I shared the info over on its page too, but since DSGT is its former/beta self, I thought I would share the announcement that Maika Fantasia (its alpha, I guess it's called?) is unfortunately shutting down January 22, 2024. Believe it or not, I've actually seen a few people ask for DSGT to come back because of it, and not only did that surprise me, I also agree with them. I miss this little wip game.
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)🍑 peach time
I kinda miss it, not gonna lie
I know it's getting a rebrand (Maika Fantasia), but I still...kind "garutona" even though it looks like it's near to impossible, judging by people also saying it's stuck at 99% Download Hell and it kept happening to me too ![[不滿]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
(also I never got Luluca's SSR
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(also I never got Luluca's SSR
к сожалению, у меня всё закончилось на загрузке. пол часа сиднла, ждала, пока загрузится. поэтому удалить пришлось. а жаль, мне персонажи уже понравились
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