nice game with a great song but its too hard for me
this ia good i like it you can play is online and offline
I've been long addicted to this. It's so time consuming, yet frustrating I'm still stuck on Training Mode, but still very fun! I've always wanted to play Osu! yet here it is! *。٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧*。
游戏判定对新手来说是很严的,但是新手可以开u判(practice mode)后面适应了打r判就不会感觉挫败了,要慢慢来()
I have been playing cytoid for around 2 or 3 years I love the game, it deserves more support, the charters are so creative and most maps are a lot of fun. I played the halloween interference event and didnt get the character(needed to beat a 10 star, not so hard rn
) I loved, so I just started playing it more.
an awesome game! if u like cytus or community games, u should try this game
Отличная ритм-игра для телефонов.
Pretty hard to get used to with the gameplay cuz idk how to set the offset
solo voy a decir algo exelente muy bueno es un buen juego con mucho futuro si sigue asi va a llegar a muchas mas personas
this game is the best of beats games and it's very funny, but some songs like cradles are missing and I don't know how they can be added to the community. in the end, the game is good, good work!!
không có tiền mua Cytus II nên chơi tạm Cytoid :))
This game is actually fun!
irs like Osu and Chytus
Actually pretty fun. Like others said, it's Cytus and Osu out together. Surprisingly, the gameplay itself responds pretty well.
Beatmaps atm have a lot of Japanese, electronic songs (dubstep, trap, etc), and piano songs. You normally wouldn't find the usual copyright english songs, probably because of the copyright they make you agree to before joining the community. The best you could find of them are remixes.
At the moment this review was made, a lot of the recent beat maps are 15+ difficulty. If you want easier ones, there's a sort and search function because those 15 diff are not a joke xD This game is less forgiving than Cytus
If I understood correctly, you can also download some Cytoid beatmaps from Google.
Great music art found by the community, a lot of nice songs; I'd say give it a try if you like rhythm games.
A great rythm game that has Cytus and Osu! gameplay.
just read the proper review above dont mind this one
A great Cytus-like player where anyone can play and submit charts.
о боже как меня уже раздражают все люди, я не жалуюсь на жизнь, но меня некоторые люди уже настолько замотали, что хочу изолироваться ото всех
я теперь понимаю людей на месте которые в ахуе от неожиданного: "ты мне нравишься, вот у нас вроде даже вкусы совпадают и тд", а ты мне нет блять, мне пусто на твои признания, простите, но откуда такая смелость, у меня есть голова на плечах, мне не зачем общаться с тем, кто мне вообще не интересен во всем
как сказать человеку, что ты ему вообще не интересен, чтоб он не вскрылся и не убил меня за ответ
другие индивиды вообще пишут как ни в чем не бывало, мол напишу и все пройдет это так не работает, достали
дайте мне учебу закончить на красный диплом и жить свою жизнь