Amazing storyline
Amazing Graphics
and Amazing Characters designs
I love this game !
It's a cute, wholesome, and friendly story about forming a connection with others! I love how each of the endings is all about becoming friends with the other characters and the art is also pleasing to the eyes!
A friend of mine decided to stream this game in our chat and several of us stepped in to voice for the characters. It took longer than an hour to finish through an ending but it was worth the fun! The ending we came to finish together was Butterscotch's ending and it's a wholesome mentor-relationship. By far though, I really love Pastille's ending since aside from the strengthening of the bond between the two, the business was surely blooming to its fullest in my opinion!
Also the soundtrack is so relaxing, and it's also one of the reasons why we were lagging during the playthrough! Just taking a moment to appreciate this "bop" soundtracks!
La traduccion al español es exquisita e impeclable, muy probablemente el juego haya sido hecho por un español, la musica es buena y algunos temas son originales, aunque ninguno me encanto veo el gran esfurezo que le dieron, los dialogos son creibles, el arte es hermoso y, aunque el gameplay sea simple y algunas opciones de dialogo no aporten a la trama se aprecian de igual forma, tiene varios finales curiosos y cuenta con pocos personajes a los cuales añade una personalidad remarcable en lo poco que dura, lo recomiendo fuertemente.
la unica queja es lo poco que dura el titulo, pero esta bueno igual.
Lo jugue hace unos meses en PC, y ahora vi que estaba disponible aqui y decide darle otra visita. Este aun se mantiene como uno de mis juegos favoritos, un arte excelente, incluyendo personajes adorables y fondos, que aunque no demasiados, cumplen su proposito muy bien. Hablando de los personajes, cada uno se vuelve muy entrañable (ademas que cada uno tiene su propio final), al punto de que te quedas con ganas de verlos un poco mas tras completarlo. Su historia se mantiene muy consistente, aunque en ningun momento te va a volar la cabeza, sin duda te alegrara el dia. Aunque algunos finales sean un poco oscuros.. En resumen, juegenlo porfa, recomendablemente de una sola pasada.
Super fun, some endings are hard to get.
Nom Nom Nami never misses! Wonderful character design? check. Super cute aesthetic? check. Funny and heartwarming writing that becomes emotional when it needs to be? check. Engaging character writing? Check, checked, and checked! love all the alternative endings you can get, again, if someone where to start dipping their toes in the VN scene, Nom Nom Nami's games are the best for the job, and people who are also really familiar with the genre will fall in love with it yet again with this short, but effective game.
My only complaint with this game? The two main female leads, Syrup and Gumdrop, have 0% romantic chemistry, which is bizarre, given that literally all the ships in Nom Nom Nami games are superb, heck, even in this one. I ended up being way more invested in every other ship teased in this game rather than the main couple. Don't get me wrong, they are cute as friends and all, but when compared to every other character dynamic with Syrup? it's a mid ship.
My personal favorite ships were Syrup x Butterscotch and Syrup x Pastille. I know the latter was confirmed to be gay in another game, but i played this one first, and their chemistry is as good as any other Nom Nom Nami canon ship, darn it! Maybe if a remake came out where the Syrup x Gumdrop dynamic was shown properly, i might come to ship em, but until then, that ship ain't flying for me.
edit: checking other reviews, i see it's a popular opinion that the best ending is the Pastille ending. Glad it isn't only me, then.
Incredible game with incredible story, loved every bit of it
ahhhhh watshi no tabeteee