Dragon Nest M | SEA Review(s)
Why? First lets talk about the graphics.
GRAPHICS - The graphics in the game is so so, not the best like the graphics of other rpg's out there but if you are comparing it to other rpg's, its not that bad. Afterall the gameplay is what matters not the graphics| 4/5
SOUNDS - The sound of the game is quite decent, not hype like other games would be specially in the boss stages. But as a player, i have to appreciate it| 4/5
GAMEPLAY - The gameplay is unlike the other mmo's that will have you explore the world that they made. In other words, its not an open world rpg. However, thats always a good thing since you dont have to go around doing this & that, and you have to go back to that very far place just to report the goddamn quest.
Is the gameplay exciting? Okay? Maybe they could've done better but its good enough. Is the level up vexing? Nope, not at all. Is the game P2W? Nope, but you can spend money on it if you want to. But you can dominate the game even if you are not| 5/5
STORYLINE - the story line, ehh. All i can say is that its not my thing, but that wont effect my rating. Its quite dumb-
If you are looking forward to the story then i guess that you have to erase that thought. Its not bad but the story is almost child like. Do treat yourself with other things if story in games is your thing| 3/5
Is the game worth playing? Maybe i guess so, try it out for own enjoyment. Afterall this is just a base and my own opinion of the game.
Besides we dont have the same opinion on things, so if anyone is thinking of rebutting to the things that i have said, use your logic before chatting
Be smart, enjoy and as always take care out there!!!