Magia Record | English Review(s)

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Julian Ibrahim Magia Record | English


my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
edit : this game is great, i used guide from reddit and it works yay ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Sakurakouji Luna Magia Record | English


All the low rating ia only because peeps cannot access the game and they dun know how to make us acc.. And not because of the game is bad.. So rate low is a lie
Jediah Games Magia Record | English


"only applications downloaded from the google play store can be used"
RinAlice Magia Record | English


Can't use apk lol
Alex Deva Magia Record | English


I'd love to rate this properly but since we can't even play this i will just rate it as the unplayable crap it is.
Kazuto Kirigaya Magia Record | English


Só queria poder jogar [大哭]
Shiranui果 Explorador de Juegos Magia Record | English


esp: a pesar de que aniplex intimido a qooapp esto no detuvo a los usuarios, el juego es excelente ignorando que la compañía que lo trae es una reverenda mierda al poner bloqueo de región, ojalá la compañía cambie de opinión algún día y lo deje libre por qooapp, si quieren a alguien para tostar, empalar y tirar todas sus redes sociales el culpable es nada más y nada menos que Albert, si ese Albert que está en fate go

eng: Although aniplex intimidated qooapp this did not stop the users, the game is excellent ignoring that the company that brings it is a reverend shit to put blockade of region, I hope the company change its mind some day and leave it free by qooapp , if they want someone to toast, impale and throw all their social networks the culprit is nothing more and nothing less than Albert, if that albert that is in fate go[微笑]
Eliezer Chandra Pradiptha Magia Record | English


Only apk from google play that can be used.
LOL, before I download, the rating of this game was 4.3, and now 2.8.
Miguel Irlandez Magia Record | English


Great game, sad it got downvoted so much cuz people are to lazy to learn how to install the right method for region restriction
Ps: I live in Italy i got no problem 😘
Try to follow the tutorial on this link if u dont live in NA
I Sip Tea Not Facts Magia Record | English


Everyone, if you can't download it then all you have to do is download Aptodie from online and then you go back and press google play then there's a popup, press aptoide and press install. the rest you can handle yourself
ASR13L Magia Record | English


+ Story, Character Design, Sound you don't need to ask.

- i hate the P2W Gacha system, theres NO GUARANTEE to get 4 Slot rate up magical girl with 10k stones (incl 10x tix)+ 400 1x Gacha ticket. the rate percentage of guaranteed 4* magical girl (Unlimited)is high (40% if you count it)

- No features updates, events are boring, no purpose (yep just story updates)

- after a year (English) and 2 years (JP) i played, still boring

- As a F2P player, its really hard to obtain characters
(i don't mention 2* 3* Farmable characters)

>(English) Rank 102, Only 2 Slot Ashley + Dark Whale Support and 2 Slot Yachiroha + Light Whale support to play, i don't have any limited characters

>(JP) Rank 110 2 Slot Homura + Dark Whale, 2 Slot Madokami + Light Whale, no purpose to gacha

I have played FGO too, i know what you guys think lol.

Alsyah Magia Record | English


My friend said this game was good...
then i tried it..
impression :
-Hard to get freebie
-overpriced gacha
-garbage tier gacha pool

also the event, limited pool are way too rushed with just 1 week time limit... Really bad experience

but man its kinda make sense... the game dev was Aniplex the most greedy Developer on earth, they even beat Nexon greediness
÷-Dreamer-÷ Magia Record | English


I've played since day 1 and had so much fun. I really loved this game a lot. The waifus I have bond with is just now a memory of the past...
Naty Tavares Silva Magia Record | English


Você é um Brasileiro lendo esse comentário e gostaria de uma comunidade para se comunicar sobre o jogo ou precisa de ajuda?
Aqui temos os melhores players de Magia Record do Brasilll prontos pra te ajudar
entre e faça um contrato!
Artorius Magia Record | English


Unplayable crap. Considering the measures taken they clearly don't want anyone other than their intended service area playing.
Venetoo Magia Record | English


gabisa download kok rating 1
ngotax bouz
tsu Magia Record | English


magically region locked
Annie Waterflower Magia Record | English


Change the region lock and then I can properly rate it
GeRy Okami Magia Record | English


Doesnt work altough its an apk... 😢 i hope we can play it too soon


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слушаем, но не осуждаем как все знают, то скоро будут прекрасные праздники - день расстрела чикатило и 86 лет с дня спуска линкора 'бисмарк' в присутствии гитлера и его внучки. ну и ещё день айтишников(меня). однако есть ещё и день каких-то влюбленных.. поэтому подскажите способы как подсолить смазливым парочками или вообще любым людям в этот день. просто иногда меня слегка раздражают те парочки, которые засосались, чуть ли не съев друг друга, а потом прощаются перед уроками, как в последний раз видятся. будто она на завод, а он на сво и вообще увидится только в миллионной жизни по реинкарнации, хотя они встретятся снова через 40 минут.. за остальных парочек я очень рада и не думайте, что я вас осуждаю или что либо - пост ролф. не воспринимать в серьёз. не пылесосьте друг друга.. а вообще я хочу делать мотоциклы из зажигалок
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