D4DJ Groovy Mix | Japanese Review(s)
Ставлю игре 5 звезд из 5 за Далию
Я маленькая школьница в теле взрослого мужчины,
В юбочке и лифчике я чувствую себя как дома.
Я крутой перец в теле недоразвитой нимфетки
Тя спишь не со мной, а с мужиком внутри меня
Я мог бы стать женщиной в красивом платье
И не вылезать из чужой кровати
Получать в подарок конфеты и цветы
И быть эталоном женской красоты
Ты уже не мальчик, но ещё не женщина
Ты уже не мальчик, но скоро станешь ею
И никто не скажет больше, что ты педик
Я мог бы стать женщиной в красивом платье
И не вылезать из чужой кровати
Получать в подарок конфеты и цветы
И быть эталоном женской красоты
Я меняю пол, я ложусь к тебе на стол!
Делай милый врач меня, я теперь вся твоя!
Моя пластика лица, начинается с «Конца»
Ой, какие холодные руки у тебя!
Ля-ля-ля, ля-ля-ля, я теперь женщина
Пересплю со всеми теми, кто дразнил меня геем!
Ты не похож на гея, больше нет
Особо не приглядываясь, не похож на бабу
Что же изменилось за эти «Пару лет»?
Ведь педик из тебя был намного лучше.
Конец, а кто прочитал молодец
Pro's :
1. A really unique gameplay, won't get bored by it
2. A bit like Arcaea to me because of the pink sliders
3. Cute characters, I love Happy Around and Peaky P-Key
Con's :
1. Idk if you can change the speed of the notes as I can't understand Japanese..
2. Again, the graphics of some characters are weird like Starlight (read my starlight review to get what I mean)
That's all I think.. So I recommend this game for pro players (newbies can try it too since it's pretty unique) who are bored with bandori
ну во первых, здесь оооочень много различных песен, как оригинальных, так и каверов и даже саундтреков из других игр, что не может не радовать. также необычный геймплей (чего только стоит розовый ползунок), аналога которого не найдешь в других ритм-играх. в общем качайте, игра того стоит
Nd, yah, I like the graphics. It's nice. The songs too, it's makes sense uwu. Imma bit confused but this is a good game. Last, Kurumi and Miyu are cutee. Who's ur best gurl? :D
(P. s. forgive me if my English so bad, too long quarantine, Imma bit forgot about language ueueue.)
Ok, let's start the review from the negative first.
- This game is a bit underrated right now.
- Too much japanese on UI. If you're not good with japanese and want to better understanding the game, you can just use Google Lens or another translate app out there.
- This game always have their issues and problems. Tho, the developer is often quick to react and give a compensation.
- Some QoL settings are locked behind subscription. Especially, a retry song feature.
- The card powercreep is real, despite that's mostly affect only for spender or competitive players.
- Some items are very hard to get at the late game.
- Lacking of skill based titles, and the advance version of these title are come from paid pass.
- Above 50% of event type of this game is all about gambling and RNG.
- Yuri (or L) characters, tho personally i don't care.
- Auto mode on multiplayer. It's just a bias, but i'm against this. Auto mode should be more punishing imo.
- Maybe this is a pro, obviously from my 2 previous points, this game is designed more for casual player.
- Meta song spammer everywhere (is it Bang Dream?), another meh for multiplayer. Combine this with auto mode, instantly make a multiplayer become less/no fun to play.
- Ahem, busty characters and have a lot of fan service. Even, cute (also rori *cough*) characters have those traits. Not really a con if you're prefer these
+ The dev is generous, so it's easier to get ssr or character which you want.
+ A lot of QoL settings (from resolution, gameplay screen adjustments, hitsounds, notes auto, etc.). And kek, some ppl complain and leave a bad review because not knowing about these setting.
+ Have a tutorial song (like osu!).
+ Have a lot of playable groups. Tho, most peoples are prefers Rondo, because of their amazing songs and similarity like Roselia from Bang Dream.
+ Club customization, so you can adjusting which themes are suited for your eyes or preferences.
+ Unique gameplay, complex mechanics and patterns. So, it's more fun to learn, adapt, and play.
+ For gacha rhythm game, this game is truly a hidden gem, it have easter egg (or hidden) songs. And, some chart have an interesting gimmick (i don't want to spoil which ones, for enjoyment purpose).
+ Unique feature and event. Medley is the most fun imo.
+ The game have "good" hits/notes for not breaking the combo.
+ Expert (highest difficulty) charts are evil and seriously challenging. Even, average difficulty of expert charts (difficulty 13) are hard to full combo. And also, some hard difficulty charts are legit hard too.
+ Have many number of playable songs. The total is 500 songs right now when i'm editing this review.
+ Despite a lot of songs, the game size is relatively small.
+ Song and collab choices are not mainstream and unexpected. More knowledge is always welcome.
+ Have some beautiful 3d waifu, i mean seiyuu (check d4dj live on youtube for extra simp)
Game yang seru dan unik serta ada medley songs yang bisa digabungkan...Tiap event Selalu dikasih DM rata² 525-750 klo gak salah...Game agak ngelag disebabkan 3D karakter + Ultra graphic...Masih ada bug stuck,Error,Stuck saat main...
tiap update dikasih hadiah teruss seperti Silver Ticket.
Daily gamenya sudah cukup baik...
Rate gacha ticket silver 3% , oke sih
Gacha event ada 2x rate jadi ada Rata² 6-12% buat dapet b4
Eventnya menarik sekali dan gampang diselesaikan dan cara mendapatkan b3 event gampang gak kaya bang dream...
Energi Harganya murah dan suka dikasih gratisan

D4DJ best f2p game but gacha kinda cursed...
Caso baixe, você está automaticamente fazendo pacto com o demônio, a partir de então, sua vida será completamente perdida. Você acordará pensando que necessita entrar urgentemente no jogo para gastar seus diamantes, você passará o dia chorando porque pegou um card repetido. Você irá chorar muito com gacha.
Você irá passar o dia inteiro clicando em sua tela apenas para ouvir sua personagem favorita falando coisas que nem você mesmo entenderá.
Isso é um jogo bom para vocês, meus amigos? NÃO, ESSE JOGO É O SINÔNIMO DE MACONHA. ELE TE DEIXA VICIADO FARMANDO PARA SUAS PERSONAGENS FAVORITAS...Todos dizem que é um jogo bonitinho, lindinho, meninas em lindas bandas! MAS, não é essa a realidade, daqui a pouco, você irá ver que esse joguinho de bandas, estará vendendo sua casa..Apenas por diamantes para rodar no gacha desse joguinho.....
Eu era uma pessoa totalmente normal antes de conhecer D4dj, antes de conhecer Hiiro Yano. Agora? Só me resta sofrimento, choro, e um jogo que gasta pelo menos umas 2 horas de meu dia.
Eu não sabia que caminho estava seguindo, e agora minha existência é apenas enaltecer Hiiro Yano e Maho Akashi. Não sou nada sem elas.
Esse jogo te possuirá, fazendo você vender: sua casa, amigos, professores, médicos, etc, acaba com sua vida social (se tiver uma né), você vende sua alma para garotas belas..Gastei todo meu dinheiro nesse jogo, e agora estou sem comida, sem casa, e pobre..
Quando fui que permiti que minha vida se tornaria chorar todos os dias por meninas de bandas, enquanto suas músicas tocam em loop na minha cabeça? Aonde fui parar? No inferno?
Pensem MUITO bem antes de baixar, pois o pacto é difícil demais de ser rompido, baixe por sua conta em risco meus amigos.
Un juego increiblemente innovador 。・゚・(ノД`)ヽ
𓋲 ପBien, empezaré diciendo mis más enhorabuenas a los desarrolladores por convertir a una Beta miserable en el mejor juego rítmico que jugué hasta la fecha y que sé que hago la reseña tarde, pero quería hacerla algo completa.
𓄳 La escencia del juego es verdaderamente única, se nota en la música electrónica, en el diseño del Hub, hasta en el formato de las misiones que al crear este juego quisieron que destacará de alguna forma y lo lograron, algo que hasta el día de hoy se sigue perdurando.
𓄳 El Gameplay es maravilloso e innovador, pese que es algo lejano a lo que los jugadores frecuentes estamos desacostumbrados, el juego te incita a aprender y es algo que necesitabamos, un aire de nuevas cosas que nos brindó, es complejo en un principio pero luego es más que costumbre.
𓄳 Los diseños de los personajes son bastante originales, jugaron con la versatilidad de las vestimentas con cada grupo balanceando que haya un estilo y cabe decir, que tengo todas las cartas de la Kyoko porque es bellisima

𓄳 Eventos, son verdaderamente originales. Innovaron con esto y es algo que se agradece, ya que en cada evento hay algo diferente que hacer. Por supuesto, lo más destacable de estos esque hay un Remix de Música según las canciones que elija el 'equipo' y es lo mejor que he visto en juegos rítmicos hasta ahora.
Pero como todos los juegos, hay cosas que no funcionan. Primero empezaré con el lagueo de las animaciones, sí, las desactivé y el juego me va de maravilla, pero faltaría optimizar aquello.
El sistema de ganancia de gemas no es el mejor, la verdad, es fácil en un principio por las conversaciones que te brindaban experiencia para las historias pero cuando las historias se acaban solo te queda esperar sí se presenta una oportunidad. Además que las estrellas que te piden para el Gacha es de un monto de 3000, una cifra no muy reconfortante.
Y para finalizar el sistema de experiencia; el que hayan cambiado la mínima experiencia al acabar las canciones por la barra de los personajes es notable, los cupones no dan mucho a menos que sean comprados o regalados por el mismo juego y nada, simplemente eso. No es lo peor del mundo, pero es algo que erraron.
Tengo muchas ansías por este juego y como proseguirá en el futuro
Bem sobre as roupas realmente era questão de tempo e veio umas roupinhas q não me decepcionaram mas fico bem triste de só poder usar elas se usar a carta, isso é bem chato.
Eu amo a jogabilidade desse jogo, é difícil no começo mas depois q vc se acustuma é muito boa, é desafiadora e inovadora, vc realmente se sente um DJ, é o q eu mais gosto no jogo. Porém, configurar o jogo é o maior desafio pois é realmente muito complicado, as configurações são super confusas e isso é bem decepcionante.
As músicas são a melhor parte, são ótimas! Tem covers igual a Bang Dream e é tão bom jogar músicas q vc conhece!
As personagens são muito lindas e carismáticas, vc não vai ter nenhum problema de gostar de todas e achar a sua favorita e de achar sua banda favorita.
Agora minha maior reclamação. Esse jogo trava demais. Ele trava muito e não é por falta de espaço q eesta travando, tirei a maior parte dos efeitos e mesmo assim trava. Ja perdi full combos por isso e até mesmo uma lata de energia. O jeito q o jogo trava é ridículo, depois de algum tempo jogando vai começar a travar até vc sair e entrar de novo, uma grande falha.
Em geral o jogo é bom mas apesar de inovador vc sente q faltou algo pra ser um jogo realmente memorável, ele é só uma cópia de Bang Dream com DJ, não tem nada realmente novo além da jogabilidade. Pelos trailers esperava um jogo 3D mas os MVs além de terem q ser comprados com uma moeda q realmente não faço ideai de como se consegue, só podem ser visto em quanto vc joga. Esse jogo foi uma decepção pra quem esperava algo novo depois de Bang Dream, é realmente apenas mais um jogo e nada mais.
The graphics are amazing and I love the card art already. As many stated it has an auto mode and you can use it but you're not gonna get a high score fron it unless you actually play the song by your own properly.
If anyone else has an issue with this game then it's cause of their devices being crappy and them being lazy to go deep into this game itself cause in reality it's enjoyable and for everyone if you actually put effort in it instead of playing for 5 minutes and declaring it's bad. I'm gonna ignore the obvious laziness in other reviews and say this game is absolutely stunning and recommended for everyone.

Цубаки любовь
как по мне, их главная фишка - эффектность
типо, вы видели эту заставку, анимку гачи и разговоры девочек во время лайва? это же оченб круто и эффектно, меня прямо завораживает!
геймплей линейка, но в нем есть и свои фишечки, которые отличают его, например, от бандори - розовенький регулятор(который порой перескакивает не в то место из-за неточного нажатия и ломает мне фк (ノಥ,_ಥ)ノ) и диджейские диски, на которых сосредоточены все слайды.
с персонажами знакома только по 2 сериям аниме и эмоциям в их сториках, но уже могу сказать, что это чудесные девочки! махоринку канон, продвигайте в массы

из минусов самый большой - система бустов в виде предметов в клубе - она и в глазах рябит, и провоцирует лаги, так что приходится терять бонусы в угоду комфортной игры (хотя, может где-то и выключаются все эти светяшки, оставляя бонусы)
вывод - 9 ракушек ринку из 10
:: แนะนำเบื้องต้น ::
- เนื้อที่เริ่มต้นประมาณ 507M
- สำหรับผู้เล่นใหม่มีตั๋ว ★4 ให้ 1 ใบ
- เรท ★4 อยู่ที่ 3%
- สามารถตกแต่งคลับเสริมตัวละคร
- ในคลับสามารถเล่นเพลงที่เขาจัดไว้ให้ได้
- เฟรนจะเป็นการกดติดตามกันและกัน
- รูปแบบไลฟ์จะให้เรา มีประสบการณ์เหมือนดีเจให้มากที่สุด
- ก่อนเข้าไลฟ์ สามารถปรับโน้ตได้จากที่นั่นนะคะ
* ถ้ามีสิ่งไหนตกขาดไป เราขออภัยด้วยนะคะ ขอให้สนุกกับสาวๆดีเจ กันนะ
pro :
1. this game has a lot of rhythm variant, from simple hold + tap like bandori, swipe slider, and the dj's scratching things with a flick tap,.
you can adjust your own play style freely.
for tutorial, there's a tutorial on youtube, and at the commentary below/above this post maybe.
2. 3d's animation are created by "sanjigen" company. they've been improving their quality alot here, so, as expected from a company who's create all of bandori characters, bandori is like their first step to make the 3d's animation could become popular as the 2d's,and as you could see, they've nailed it.
look at the characters movement, stage/live house background, chibi characters,etc they're all looks very amazing,so, as expected, it will get laggy (depend on each devices though).
3. the medley live. i like the medley live more than the multi live part, dj's is about remix, so its very good this feature is here,i hope,it could get a lot more improvisation in the future too, not only focusing on the character development, the dj's gameplay too.
4. rehearsal play!
yes, it has rehearsal play too, so dont worry about the stamina's run out/empty, you could get bonus reward from rehearsal play too, but it's not much.
5. it is simplified as "music library"
like the title say. the devs plan to adding a lot of game bgm now, and there's an mv too, lots of 90's Japanese music also coming. hope the devs will add a lots of cover songs outside jp too,not only jp songs (especially for photon maiden, they're likely could cover some of alan walker song too, like alone,lily,etc)
6. there is multi medley live.
yes, with this feature, now you can mix a different songs in multi live. better than multi live, if you want to experiment different combination of 4 songs.
7. DJ Time Mode.
dj time mode allow you to become dj's yourself.
just try it yourself if you want to know more,
also, you can get reward normally (like character exp, player exp, unit exp, and some coins),
similar to any normal free live mode except, you cant get bonus exp ticket rewards, etc.
1. gacha issue, well, if you have read my review back then, you probably know the reason.
after latest latest update,i dont have any issue about anything, for now (except gacha one), as expected.
the devs probably already did fixing the lag issue.
cause there is 30fps and 60fps option there.
since ive been busy and just come back recently, i think, ive missed a lots of new feature,
so, i will update my review above.
also, there is a good news about global release, it will come around 05/27.
i think i will test the english version as well, cant wait.
i prefer english ver because of gacha, i hope it will be better than the jpn one..
песенки крутые, некоторые, насколько я поняла, даже взяты из бандори;
анимация гачи реально крутая, у меня аж челюсть от неё отвисла;;
разобраться в ней я, к сожалению, не до конца успела, поэтому многого не поняла
итак, мой вердикт: игра хорошая, печально, конечно, но мне она не сильно зашла, но поиграть я могу. устала от фансервиса на некоторых карточках девочек, но что поделать.