HeavenBurnsRed | English Review(s)
Anyway, here's my review.
Basically the rating could go in two ways.
If you play games mainly for the stories (like me), then this is an easy 4.5/5 game.
BUT, if you play games mainly for the gameplay (combat), then this is an easy 2/5 game.
Short version: Game with less combat, more chitchat. Weak amount of gameplay, but extremely amazing story and characters (as expected of Key)
Priority Pros:
++ They have a PC client. If you like this game, I strongly recommend you play it in PC instead. Go here: heavenburnsred.yo-star.com
CAREFUL though, around 30 gigs of space are needed.
+ Extremely amazing story. The early part should already be enough to draw you in to the game.
+ Colorful cast of characters. They're all brimming with personality. Make sure to use earphones~
+ Visual novel style choices, leading to many shenanigans. Go and have fun with the odd choices~
+ Playable in mid range phones with little to no lags. I'm using Vivo Z1 Pro
+ Lots of freebies. If you want to give it a try, now's the time.
= The gameplay's ok. It's entertaining enough. Each character have different roles AND you can switch in your backup characters mid game (kinda like Sword Art Online Unleash Blading)
= Something to look forward to is future collab with Key's IP like Angel Beats, Charlotte, Clannad, Rewrite and Little Busters
Personal cons:
- Nanamin is unplayable.....yet. She's adorable, I hope she's playable. Reminds me of Nio Hashiri from Akuma no Riddle....Yuuup, i hope Nanamin have a "different/secret" side to her
- Very low combat gameplay. This is basically a visual novel. Not like another eden.
- Slow loading time between "periods"
- Can't change home screen character...Unless I'm not far enough....which is an odd thing to "lock" if it is...The main character isn't bad, but I wish we can change it. There are other characters I prefer to have (like that "special agent")
- "Old" Auto Repeat mode. You know, leave the phone on and it'll do auto repeat for around 8 hours in power save mode.....like what? This is 2024, not 2015.....
- Can't fully explore the world in the early part...sad, the academy looks amazing but we're forced to follow the story...why bother with the world exploration then...
Overall, this game is SUPER HEAVY on story. Play this game ONLY when you have ample enough of free time. There's very little combat, so this isn't for those who wants action. Just like Blue Archive, it focuses on Story, BUT Blue Archive has the right amount of combats in between stories.
You can pause between "period", like do the morning period and stop at day period, then continue the story at day period. But, that'll definitely ruin the story pacing. See, game like this, it's better to finish it in one go. Like, from morning period to night period.
Anyway, just give it a shot. You'll know if this game is for you or not in the first 10-15 minutes.
gameplay wise you need to manual to do unit rolls well but auto can works to the game rules mostly break and deley before you burst out damage
most keypoint of the game is story while battle is sideline which you can leave afk for 8hrs or leave phone on at night
Wonderful game. The storyline is very heartfelt, but can also be super funny at times. The main character, Kayamori, is hilarious.
♡ One of the best stories I have come across in a mobile game (funny, heart wrenching, interesting concept)
♡ Female protagonist!!
♡ Has a gacha system, but is not super focused on it. I feel like it is more of a fun bonus to get cool characters. If you have at least like 2 SSR characters (the game gives you 2 free) and level them, you won't have any trouble with story fights. If you want to do the extra challenge stuff, you can focus on gacha more.
♡ Event stories are just as good as the main story. Some got me crying lol
♡ No stamina system for main story - you can play as much as you want. Stamina is used for extra / side stuff.
♡ Comparable to a Persona game (has Free Time, something similar to Social Links, plays in a day-by-day system)
♡ There is a side mini-game that is a tap/rhythm game
♡ Entire game is voice acted, and it is really good! They put their all into the performance.
♡ Basically everything is super impressive for a mobile game.
♡ I could say so much about this game. Please give it a try!
♡ My original con was that this game wasn't in English. Well, problem no more! I really do not have anything bad to say about this game. I hope you give it a try!
И с точки зрения ворлдбилдинга, сюжета, персонажей, и с точки зрения графона, геймплея, прокачки тыры пыры.
Всякого разного прям ОЧЕНЬ МНОГО.
Ивенты довольно таки интересные, награды за прохождение которых щедрые (одной экспы падает столько для поднятия уровней персонажей и ранга самого игрока, что ого-го (с 50 лвл на основной пачки до 80, нехило так)).
Туторинг несильно навязчивый, краткий, но внятный и вдупляешь сразу что, да как.
Интересная система прокачки, мне понравилось.
Лвл можно в оффлайне набирать + ресурсы для вкачки статов.
Хорошие персонажи падают часто, местные примогемы набираются быстро.
Если говорить о персонажах с точки зрения истории, то ОМГ ТРУ ВУМЕНС ЭКСПИРИЕНС??? Хелло, такие живые и смешнявые, но в то же время очень крутяшные девушки. И посмеяться можно и поплакать. Меня это очень порадовало, особенно закидоны главной героини, Она Легенда (лмаоо).
Не буду сильно рассусоливаться, просто скажу, что стоит денёк выделить, да глянуть. Видно, что игру делали с душой и любовью, а не с целью деньжат побольше нагребсти.
⊹⁺‧┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈‧⁺ ⊹˚.
Gameplay Video : https://youtu.be/BB501uuxD14
Gameplay Short Video : https://youtube.com/shorts/im_RIcNI7HI
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Game Title : Heaven Burns Red
Developer : News aggregation
Game Genres : RPG
Compability : Android - iOS
FullSizes : 19 GB (Android)
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