Command & Conquer: Rivals PVP Review(s)

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Zerum Command & Conquer: Rivals PVP


I'm still looking for that "Sense of Pride and Accomplishment", altho after your stock fell 40% I hope we wont have to wait too much longer.
Duvalin Command & Conquer: Rivals PVP


Didn't like it I thought that would be like old pc games
MegaNex Command & Conquer: Rivals PVP


pay 2 win that is all about this game
steven simon Command & Conquer: Rivals PVP


Bon OK le jeux est beau, OK l'histoire est sympa, OK sa change des précédents ! mais alors le game play beurk !!! Quand on connais C&C sur pc... On ne peu que être déçu par la version mobiles !!!! Perso j'ai jouer à tous les C&C depuis le premier opus avec ces missions fourmis en passant par mission tesla, renegade ou encore tiberium sun... J'avais même apprécié celui qui mélangé classic et prise de contrôle 3d...mais la... C est pouf c est beurk quoi.... Faut attendre c'est lent on peut pas lancer plusieurs truc en même temps.... Très déçu...
basilisgkotsis Command & Conquer: Rivals PVP


C&C Tiberium Down, Tiberium Sun, Tiberium War,Kanes wrath, Renegade series is best
C&CR.A.Series is famus but Good for me
C&C Generals is okay
But C&C Rivals is Worst
C&C Remastered is good but so and so
Renegade X the C&C fan fiction is Super best
Saad Habib Command & Conquer: Rivals PVP


I thought the game was crapy during the reveal at E3. But it is much worse in person.The graphics and design aren't bad. The game play can be fun and godforbide STRATEGIC from time to time. But that all goes away after level 15 or 20 at the most. It becomes a slow grind. Unlocking and upgrading units takes countless matches. The card system and high price makes it an unnecessary hassle to do so. The loot boxes / crates are atrocious. The matches are ranked, but I rather say it is still pay to win. As high level units gives such an edge, and you can easily spend money to do so. There is no story, at all. It takes weeks to unlock your favorite units and characters from C&C. This game is an insult and public execution for the C&C franchise. EA has successfully killed the franchise again. Avoid this game. Don't give into their nonsense.
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