why must bravely archive who's got global version??? why not bravely default: fairy effect
it's ok but so many bugs...
1. BGM often gone when battle start / end
2. when the game crashed then continue battle, u won't get any loots / exp / pg after completing stage
3. when equip evolve to 4*, sometimes it unequip by itself & when u tried to reequip there will be pop up "bla bla bla equipped by other char" them back to title screen
4. when u queue to much ulti skill the game will crashed
i hope they fix this bugs since it's annoying
I was so looking forward to it but as soon as I opened it it says network error. It wouldn't even go past the title screen.
I got 3 five stars and tons of four stars with 2 multiple draws. fun game with decent progression. energy refill is a little slow though
Great game but shit gacha
I'm thinking this will be quite good. Nice surprise to have a global release. Love the artstyle; managed to pull two of the 5* units. I am shocked they couldn't even give you enough for one multi pull.
Seems like it may be stingy, but hopefully that changes over time. Adding this one to my rotation, personally.
The game is stingy with crystals and battles are boring and uninspiring. If anything it's gotten worse than its terminated JP counterpart. Uninstalled.
why are all the reviews so bad?? this is like so good and strategic!!!
lel you get 1 roll for reroll after such long turtoral
Look. I liked the intention of the game. The sound effects are wonderful, but I must admit I did not like the mechanics of the game. I found the buttons confusing and not easy to keep alternating. I did not really like the visual effects: they could be more elaborate. I found the drop rate to be extremely low.
I love bravely default and this game is so cool I want praline!!!! she's epic :^D
error to connect server fix it please!!
I've only gotten through the tutorial so far and I really like this game but when I try downloading the rest of it, it doesn't move past 50. This is very disappointing because I really love bravely default and I wanted to play this. Hopefully I can find a solution to this problem so I can actually play the game.
the combat is slow but the story is good
The game keeps crashing. I wasn't even able to get past the initial dialogue. Uninstalled the app after a few futile attempts to restore it. ![[發火]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
Such a disappointing experience...
fix again please im stuck in raid can't in always can't in i have to clear raid quest please fix again ![[大哭]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)