Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese Review(s)

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Omar Romani Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


we need the english version!!!![鬼臉][鬼臉][鬼臉][鬼臉][鬼臉][鬼臉][鬼臉] Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


i love japanese version more than global version, jap version had a lot of event while global had nothing if you want to play Japanese version the best!!!!!
KPCahyadi Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


I.. never though this game was fun and rewarding at the same time, at first i though this is gonna be like any other anniversary game for long running franchise but i was wrong.

The gameplay is consisting the same turn based combat like the previous entry but the uniqueness is came from the strategically play, even though you have SS unit or S unit it doesn't mean it will carry you to the end of the story because the enemy can/will wiped out you entire team in one scoop, not because the fact the enemy was difficult to deal with but the game has advantage system like the strategic game.

The drawing art act as the reminiscent of the old running franchise is really good and the music is also sounds best.

Check this game out if you want the old school rpg game esthetic, and if you are the fan of the series this is the direct sequel to first 2 game so definitely check it out.
Polla Kota Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


เกมเปิดให้เล่นมา4ปีครึ่ง แต่เล่นๆเลิกๆนับจำนวนวันที่เล่นได้ไม่ถึงปี ตอนนี้ก็กลับมาเล่นอีกแระ >_<
id0x0 Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


A very good game, yes its quite grindy, but you can play it casually (i do).

The music is very very good, plus they have a jukebox (BGM player) containing the SaGa series musics.

My advice on how to play if you're F2P/low budget player:
- save gems and only pull gacha on good/great character styles (or if its your fave charcters)

- mercy system is at 45k gem pull (this wil give you 15k gacha token of that gacha which you can trade to the character that you want)

- dont go around and pull every gacha, research on several japanese wiki on how good the characters are
Mathias Pacheco Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


best gacha game i played nice rates good music excellent art style excellent character progress and boss fights good difficulty curve. 10/10.

-menus can improve they are a little clunky.

collab when??
ด.ญ.ธารารัตน์อารีย์ Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


สนุก แจกโคตรเยอะ มีกิจกรรมให้ทำจนไม่ได้นอน แต่กาชาเกลือใช้ได้เลย
Danyl Rahman Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


best JRPG with how generous they are, also im not familiar with SaGa series
MTG Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


i am really enjoying this atm. playing saga frontier 1 and 2 back in day really makes me want to re roll for gustave/blue/red
火冰河 Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


Erkaos Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


The classic graphics are just amazing and combined with the beautiful artworks makes this really enjoyable.
It's really, and i mean REALLY F2P friendly because you can get gems from basically everything, i have not spent a single cent on this game and i feel like an end-game player.
There's a continuous flow of events so you always have something to do. Yes, it's quite grindy but it really pays well with all the gems you get that enable you to pull in almost every banner.
The style based characters makes useful even the low rank characters (what you pull from the gacha are actually the styles, not the character itself. Each character has different styles, each with different skills, passives and artworks).
It's in japanese so i dont understand anything, but it's not something that a live screen translator can't solve.
Anyways, i recommend at least trying it
Dark Gray Chivalry Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


I will returned to my JP account because GL server will close out this coming December. It's so sad that GL server will close out this year 😶
อามูโร่ เรย์ Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


รักเลย จุ๊บๆ
Fabio Sayegh Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


Romancing Saga Re;UniverSe é um RPG desenvolvido pela SquareEnix e tem tudo o que se espera da companhia: gráficos fantásticos (em estilo anime combinado com um pixelar maravilhoso), músicas épicas e envolventes, sistema de combate interessante e elaborado, personagens super estilosos e maneiros, uma história longuíssima. Tudo isso no seu celular! Pra quem curte RPGs como os Final Fantasy clássicos, não perca!!!
Zankantou Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


โคตรชอบ เกมในตำนานออยากให้มีภาคหลักใหม่มาไวๆ ลงหลายๆแพตฟอมโดยเฉพาะ pc
Chann Gades Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


had bee~ playing RS 1-3 over n over favourite is still RS 1 although the direction thingie was irritating. am glad to see this game now for sure!
นันต์ สุกใส Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


game play very good,but rate drop item bad omg.
ck yon Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


Low value... cos evil gacha in place... I really like the saga series, wouldn't mind this old time classic fav with tons of paid dlc, but gacha? Hell NO, can't bear the gambling nature of gacha, make it harder to enjoy the full contents... sigh 😟
Thawatchai Waitayakan Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


Just Bolster ! Romancing SaGa Re;universe | Japanese


Nice (ของโครตดี)


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‼️‼️ПОСТ РАССУЖДЕНИЯ О МЕЛОЧАХ ИСТОРИИ ИГРЫ‼️‼️ (конкретно саматоки) вроде как саматоки якудза, но от якудза у него только название и характер как у бычары блять. Еще в начале аниме я думала может нам покажут где-нибудь его татуировки? нет блять, их не показали, ну я как-то забила хуй пока не поиграла в якудза, там они любят сверкать татухами и пояснять за их смысл, и вообще как-то больше узнала о строение якудза а то раньше я вообще не ебал что и куда🤷‍♀️ так вот... якудза делятся на кланы, а в кланах семьи (ну делятся они на мини групировки) есть патриархи семьи (это либо остнаватель семьи либо тото кто взял управления после его смерти или ухода из якудза, но семья носит фамилию оснавателя семьи) и есть председатель клана, который как раз держит все эти семьи и сам клан в принципе, самые влиятельные семьи выходят там на какие-то "собрания" назначеные председателем, кароче он скажет ходите на руках и они пойдут на руках, как говорили в игре ( Yakuza Kiwami 2 сага маджимы, и да я опираюсь на знания игры и только) "если председатель скажет что это белое – то это белое, а если скажет что черное – то это черное"(Я НЕ ЗНАЮ КАК ПРОСТАВЛЯТЬ ЗНАКИ) соответственно есть правые руки патриархов, правые руки председателя. ТАК КТО ЖЕ СУМАТОХА ПО МАСТИ В ЭТОМ МИРЕ ЯКУДЗА?! он опущеный блять, потому что он просто якудзенок, не имеет собственной семьи и не управляет существующей семьёй, состоит он в клане "катенгуми"
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