Bungo to Alchemist Review(s)

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Ciel Game Hunter Bungo to Alchemist


Soo not gonna lie I downloaded this game becuse I appreciated the anime like ... a lot ❤️ well thanks to this game my kanji is better now 😂 I recommend this one for literature lovers and people who like to ship (sorry)the story is tsugoi 👌 nothing wrong with that . the only thing that I hated is always searching for the kanji letter I didn't know on internet , can someone please bring gentarou here to have some inspiration ..
Irene Dewi Bungo to Alchemist


cukup bagus lah... mungkin jarang player indo main ini. aku sempet main 2 tahun lalu cuma terpaksa stop karena keadaan hp. sampe diangkat jadi anime pula. good job
Boofy Bungo to Alchemist


Ничего не понятно, но очень интересно. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
nakajinko_ Bungo to Alchemist


This game is really great! Most seiyuus that voiced the writers here are well known seiyuus, and BunAl's art style is really great also! I highly recommend this game if you also play Touken Ranbu :D
ไอริคุง Bungo to Alchemist


สนุกค่ะ แต่เวลาผูกบัญชีผู้เล่นทำยังไงคะ;-;
Алхимик Из библиотеки Bungo to Alchemist


28(на самом деле больше) раз меня нагнула эта чёртова гача! Федя и Артур действовали наверняка, да? Это была ненависть? Гнев? Я была в слезах, умоляла о пощаде, но вы снова и снова не падали мне в гаче! Я знаю, вы сволочи. Почему вы не признаете? Произнесите: «Надоела уже». Это что, так сложно? Признайтесь, что издеваетесь! Признайтесь!!!
Phương Linh Bungo to Alchemist


game thật sự rất tuyệt vời, từ đồ họa cho đến âm thanh, cốt truyện đều rất xịn xò, đề cử cho các bạn đó (・ω´・ )
DAZCHUU~♡ Bungo to Alchemist


why can't i play it? '-'
deerychan Bungo to Alchemist


хорошенькие мальчики, но по сравнению с тоурабу запарно пипец
а так очень даже интересно, есть чем на уроках заниматься
Linda Stanford Bungo to Alchemist


The only thing I really want is the game in English ;w;
Дазай Осаму Bungo to Alchemist


очень классно, кто знает как скачать хо я бы английскую версию?
bungo and alchemist Bungo to Alchemist


[開心][開心][開心][開心](・ω・)(・ω・)(・ω・)😊😊😊 juste magnifique ! ceux jeux est super ! je n'est pas les mots tellement il est bien ! (petit spoil à ceux qui regarde l'anime) ils sont tous morts mais ils sont réincarné et Shiga n'est pas mort car son médaillon n'as pas disparu ! yes !!! est peut être saison deux !!!! j'espère en tous cas. pas prévue pour l'instant mais il y a du suspens dans le dernier épisode. comment je sais ? j'ai vu des scren sur insta.
Soru💙 ~ 刀ミュ/刀ステ 🌟~ 2002-2021🐕🌠 Bungo to Alchemist


Realmente es un muy buen juego, los graficos y la historia es interesante [開心] Amo este juego
Olivia Brainy wijaya Bungo to Alchemist


i started play this after watching the anime ,and ia really love it. and i hope i can get to a group chat full of bta fans to talk and discuss about event
Coda nishi Bungo to Alchemist


Very F2P friendly and easy to pick up, even for non Japanese speaker, you can look things up on the wiki.

Top tier characters (some of my beloved are Odasaku, Ango, Dan, Lovecraft and Koizumi). I love the tidbits of history and references to anecdotes relating to the writers. The game even encourages you to dig even further about the authors outside the game.

And God I love the BGM of this game! also got better at reading kanji for some reason!! I recommend BunAl to everyone !! \(^o^)/
Penpokopen Bungo to Alchemist


藤彩悠夏 Bungo to Alchemist


i used to play this game on the web when it first came out, wasn't expectig it to get ported to android years later! glad that my old data could be transferred.
it has been a good game before and i'm happy that it's still the same. beautiful graphics, amazing music, and super informative about literature. this game has and still helps me with learning about japanese literature and various authors.
SouKagami Bungo to Alchemist


have fun [開心][開心][開心][開心]


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