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Love Angels Review(s)

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Edmond Honda Love Angels


So the preview pics are s bit misleading, so let me explain what happens in this game.

It's a tower-defense-y game where your commander is the tower. You have lovely ladies that are a part of a faction (3 factions in total) with each commander being the head of a different faction. The ideal team set-up is to use one single faction (because the commanders have abilities that are faction-specific), but you're going to be facing people that just use whatever is "the strongest".

Couple Issues with this game:
1. There's a few dudes in this game, including the commander you start off with, so its not all 100% women, so thats gay. I highly doubt any women are going to play this.
2. This is a censored version. The one on Nutaku has full nudity and the girls wearing sexy underwear. The downside is you're forced to be tied to one account so you can't reset and re-roll.
3. Regardless of this or the Nutaku version, both suffer from VERY LOW item rewards. You need coins and green gems to level up and recruit respectively, but the payout after a match is so low, almost purposefully to where they try to force you to shell out money and become a whale. NEVER TURN INTO A WHALE!
4. They need to get rid of that beginning part that plays like KOF ALL STARS, because it only happens once and its not the main game. That is going to confuse the shit out of people
5. Events are short as shit, and the requirements to complete it also require the level-up and recruit items that are already scarce to begin with.
6. Unlimited plays, but it pulls that " Sonic Forces Runners" crap where when you win, you get a crate, but it has a cooldown time and you're only allowed 4 if you're a free player.

If you want to play this after all of that, play the Nutaku version.
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слушаем, но не осуждаем как все знают, то скоро будут прекрасные праздники - день расстрела чикатило и 86 лет с дня спуска линкора 'бисмарк' в присутствии гитлера и его внучки. ну и ещё день айтишников(меня). однако есть ещё и день каких-то влюбленных.. поэтому подскажите способы как подсолить смазливым парочками или вообще любым людям в этот день. просто иногда меня слегка раздражают те парочки, которые засосались, чуть ли не съев друг друга, а потом прощаются перед уроками, как в последний раз видятся. будто она на завод, а он на сво и вообще увидится только в миллионной жизни по реинкарнации, хотя они встретятся снова через 40 минут.. за остальных парочек я очень рада и не думайте, что я вас осуждаю или что либо - пост ролф. не воспринимать в серьёз. не пылесосьте друг друга.. а вообще я хочу делать мотоциклы из зажигалок
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