Ride Kamens Review(s)
bonus. in X there is a mini comic that depicts Leon liking iguanas and lizard ... so no wonder leon henshin suit quite similar to an iguana.. (this is actually a spoiler from chapter 12..)
as the game is good even the game gets stuck a lot and is little hard for me to level up the Chaosstone ?im still stuck at the main story chapter 2 episode 8 the second fight .. how can i level up the chaosstone and the rank as well? please i really need a help from you guys...
So far it only announced 5 of the towns area when there is 7 in total, this means there's a potential for more kamen motifs characters to come for sure.
ui design is good but quite slow in moving onto the next area, mostly i think it due to server. Simple layout and vibration color. The live2D character work well express body gestures.
very good. Main story is full voiced, can also change bgm options. As always side episodes is not full voice.
Leveling the card is straightward. Need multiples to max it potential. The investigation part takes so long. Raising the each colors parameters from rank F to A+ (not sure if there's S, havent reach that far). For it to divided in 2 part in total of 24 runs feel really long..
Battle section is straightward but for to get highest score for battle have to go through the investigation phrase first.
I'm quite hook in the story more over the game play itself

I find it decent, there still area with bugs here and there. Will continue for the main story.
The game is in Japanese. On screen translator is require for those that cant understand jap.
P. S. I have a problem with the store tho, the game showed me the price already converted to my currency but it's still in JPY + everytime I tried to purchase something, I got server error 500-1. Is there any way to fix it?
i like their civilian designs and the art style, but im not a fan of the rider forms. they dont feel or look like kamen riders, especially when their face is basically not masked.
its mainly story, and id probably enjoy it if i actually knew what they were saying. its all in japanese and i dont want to have to screenshot every dialogue to translate it.
theres not really any fighting in this game, and the only fighting part isnt even fun. its basically a cutscene, not much interactivity or cool fight mechanics imo.