Fate/Grand Order | Japanese Review(s)
1. Setting dumb gacha rates for 5☆ servants, which are just 2D animated sprite in the end, is a easy way for DW to grab cash out of players. I have no rights to say about how people spend their money but, it's such a pity that some see value in this scrap of data and pour huge amount of money on it and fail.
2. FGO's gameplay feels very grindy and boring. The gameplay heavily relying on buster np servants is uninspiring. When DW added Merlin, they fixed the meta into buster and made it the best command card. Arts is viable on its on way, but is not considered better than buster and quick is now just obsolete command. Merlin+El Melloi/2xMerlin with a high rated buster np servant can easily melt any adds and boss. Battle is all about wiping out enemies as fast as possible and events are just grind-mission-to-get-free-4☆-servant-&-items.
For the first time in years the player no longer depends on ultra rare gold units to survive or advance! Each character is useful with the right setup and you can even complete the game with 1* units!
The game soundtrack is amazing and gets even better on certain events, the farming aspect for materials these days has been reduced drastically since you can exchange lots of materials from event shops.
Best of all, If you need a core character you can borrow it from a friend to save you from a pinch! Quartz (premium currency) might be expensive but even F2P can easily assemble a great team provided they spent on banners wisely.
•Graphics : It's one of the unique graphics on mobage and their Development team has been doing a lot of improvement on the graphics from the servant sprites and ascension art, It's UI, Skill effects,Maps (effects on the field or enemy NPCs) and CGs. They've really up'ed their CGs making their players to really enjoy the story with those kind of visual.
•Sound : From their VAs (Seiyuu's aka Voice Actors) on voicing their servants to sound effects on their CGs and BGM on battles are really top notch. You can really see the effort done to have these kind of results.
•Gameplay : Most of us are familiar on turn based mobage like FGO. But they make sure their gameplay is unique and continuing on updating it. At first their most popular game mechanic feature is Break system, when you depleted the Enemy NPC health the first bar of hp will break then the next bar of hp shows up which the NPC will act everytime the player breaks a bar. IE : activates a defensive skill or remove/debuff players servants, charge to full gauge and activate NPCs Noble Phantasm. It differs on type of NPC. It's still one of the core game mechanics on battle quests specially with an Enemy Boss NPC. Though they're adding more mechanics so players won't easily beat it and makes the game battle quests more enjoyable. Though almost 95% of the game is farming for materials, QP and exp cards to raise your servants.
•Storyline : At their 1st year FGO's first half of Season 1 or Arc 1 doesn't really have interesting stories. It started to have a good story on Arc 1 Chapter 6 Camelot then Chapter 7 Babylonia and final chapter Solomon. Arc 1.5's Sub Singularities can stand alone on its own and has definitive story and characters. Arc 1.5 is where chaldea looks for the remnants of demon pillars and also prologue for Arc 2.
Arc 2 is currently on LB 5.2 Olympus which is released last April. Chaldea's goal here is to restore pan human history and defeat the Alien God. Here on Arc 2 they've really started to make it so good though there are still some parts that can be refined but overall it's a good ride on story and battle quests.
•Value : For me Fate/Grand Order is already invaluable. I really enjoy to play it and even more when I'm playing with my friends. Yes it's drop rate is definitely not the highest among other mobages but for me it's fine since you really feel that your lucky when you get an SSR servant. In reality it's not really necessary to have SSR but of course if you want to have a faster and efficient way on farming and clearing story quests or challenge quest then you really need an SSR. I'm casually whaling on FGO everytime there's an GSSR on going so 2 times a year.
brazil: bom eu sou brasileiro e eu amei o jogo do inicio ao fim !
Y ya que estoy, por favor, si vas a venir a devalidar mi agumento con alguna tontería tipo "Eres un arenoso porque esperas un 5* per roll" o "Es que quieres que el juego se juegue solo con automático", te pido amablemente que te guardes tus palabras y vayas a un circo a actuar, payaso.
▪Los rates son una porquería, eso empezando.
▪El farmeo es demasiado insano, los droprates son ínfimos, sacar materiales es horrible y tener que hacerlo manual es una tortura aún peor.
▪Está optimizado del orto, tienes que tener un teléfono tope de gama o directamente correrlo en pc para que vaya bien.
▪El sistema de experiencia me parece mal implementado. El hecho de que sí o sí debas usar un objeto para subir de nivel me parece absurdo.
▪Y por último, el powercreep se nota. Los strenghtening están bien, pero los noto algo vagos, en otros juegos literalmente cambian completo a los personajes, por ejemplo Girls' Frontline les da mejores stats, una nueva habilidad y equipo único. En Epic Seven les mejoran una skill y les dan un nuevo árbol de mejoras. Y así con varios juegos. Aquí es "Te cambiamos una skill y a lo mucho 2" cuando podrían mejorar y agregar pasivas y mejorar todas las activas.
Y a pesar de eso he de reconocer que tiene una historia bastante competente y decente, razón por la que a pesar de tantas mecánicas mediocres, absurdas y mal implementadas es aún jugado y tiene bastante fandom.
En fin, si quieres entretenerte un rato con una buena historia y puedes soportar pantallas de carga interminables y que el juego vaya de media a 10 fps, además de rates ínfimos que te harán querer pegarte un tiro y estrellar tu cabeza contra un muro, pues adelante y prueba F/GO, no tiene pérdida.
Just (half) kidding. This game uses gacha system with extremely low SSR character/servant rates, which is 1%. Requires a lot of time, dedication, and patience to grind items and SQ (in-game currency), which sucks especially for F2P player like me.
Wise tip: don't easily fall into 'tricks' you found on internet, like "how to raise summon rates by burning cards". I've burnt one SSR and a lot of SRs, yet Ozy still gives me a middle finger.
Update 2023, originally posted in 2017: After *checks note* years of dedication, Ozy finally came to my account... from a free SSR reward ticket. In case you're curious, the SSR I burnt was Shiki Saber (limited SSR). I did get Arthur Pendragon (another limited SSR) after burning her, so not sure if that counted as bad luck or not.
- The Worst f2p game , don't trust the friendly f2p at all , believe me it's a Bluff, SSR Rate is 1% , a roll needs 3 Saint Quartz and Each single SQ is very hard to get
- You need like 300 SQ to almost guarantee an SSR but that depends on RNG anyway
- The RNG itself is broken
like Giving 0 SSR for some F2P Players who rolled over 600 SQ while it gives a single damn Whaler 4 SSR IN A SINGLE 30 SQ ROLL !
Literally the only thing interesting is Characters which are extremely hard to get , if You can't read Japanese, then the Story is a waste , and The English Seever is always 2 years behind and they aren't even trying to catch up. -_-。
Flashforward 2 years later.
As I screamed at my phone shouting 'GACHA GACHA GACHA' my father saw me.
'Son what happened? you were the best among your brothers? what did this to you?'
I screamed a hysterical scream, barely hearing him as I saw the last card on my 10shot roll.
A gold Assassin. Finally.