Dynamix Review(s)
So, Dynamix is a rhythm game that unlike others, does not have an actual storyline or chapters to read. It's basically just a rhythm game.
Gameplay-- The beatmap of Dynamix has three types of notes-- the ordinary blue notes, the yellow notes (hold mechanic) and red notes (slide mechanic) and it utilizes three sides of your screen. Notes can appear from the middle to the right, middle to the left and from up to down. There is usually a slider on the left side that helps with red notes that I find very useful! In Casual up to Normal levels, you'll find it very easy to get Omega rating (highest-- all perfect) but even as a veteran, I still find some of the Hard and most of the Giga and Mega levels so difficult to play. Usually, notes appear from all three sides of the screen simultaneously in harder levels which is why I think that if you want to be extremely good in this game, you're going to need three hands (lol) or have very flexible and agile fingers. All notes can also appear at the same time from the same direction so you must learn how to combine their mechanics as you play. It's very challenging and at the same time, creative.
Sound-- The songlist is quite a lot even if you don't upgrade to premium though you can play during events to further expand your songlist since you can earn fragments (currency) and use them to buy that event track in varying difficulties. If you're not a casual rhythm player and you'd like to play even more songs, premium is the way to go! Just rank up and unlock those tracks! As for the quality of the songs, they are pretty nice and very EDM-ish, rich in beats and such. Not a lot of songs have vocals, which I'm sad about, but that should be fine in general!
Graphics-- The graphics are really good and I like the artworks featured in the background per music. Some are animated while some are just still backgrounds but both types are really cool and nice to look at. Sometimes though, the flashing effect of the background may hinder with the gameplay-- especially if you're quite new with rhythm games.
Final verdict, it's a pretty nice rhythm game that can hone your finger agility and speed. For beginners, you might find it difficult at first but for veterans, it's a good practice and challenging past time (⌒ω⌒)
Me recomendaram esse jogo, e tenho jogado por 3 dias +ou-. Achei um jogo leve em geral, divertido e com sistemas de notas bem interressantes e que são faceis de aprender e dificeis de dominar. Jogo muito Cytus 2, e mesmo com a noção de ritmo e agilidade no dedo, sinto altas dificuldades em me acostumar, oq é ótimo, mais desafios são sempre bem vindos.
In a Nutshell:
[1] Preciso de mais dedos...
[2] Sistema de jogo original e divertido
[3] Músicas bonitinhas e legais, mas prefiro a de outros jogos do gênero
[4]Vc baixa as músicas que quer, então n consome muito espaço
[5] Design interressante e menus práticos quando vc pega o jeito
[6] Desafiador para novatos e veteranos do gênero
-Se vc que jogar algum jogo de ritmo interressante e desafiar sua rapidez, vai que é sua!
➡️ ความคิดเห็นส่วนตัว ⬅️
✅ ภาพสวย
✅ ยากเป็นบางด่านแล้วแต่ฝีมือ
✅ ปรับระดับความไวของลูกศรได้
✅ ไม่มีโฆษณา
✅ ระบบเล่นไม่ยาก
✅ เหมาะกับทุกเพศทุกวัย
✅ ไม่มีกระตุก เล่นได้ลื่น ๆ
——————◦°•✩•°◦ ——————⋆
So with this game, you either tap or hold your finger to the bars that appear on the screen, but rather than come from one side, they appear EVERYWHERE... up down left right, doesn't matter which side of the screen, meaning you always have to be on your toes on the higher difficulties. Thankfully the game clues you in on where to look so you're not COMPLETELY off-guard. I would HIGHLY recommend using a phone stand for this game... one where its so sturdy, the phone doesn't move, because you're going to need BOTH hands to play this game.
Highly recommend it. Make sure to download all assets from the settings menu before you actually play it though.
Sin embargo para poder jugar sin conexión se deben descargar antes las canciones y como todo se hace con Internet, por lo cual no es gran problema ya que usa muy pocos recursos para su instalación.
Bueno ya conociendo que este juego es muy versátil en cuanto conexión, quiero dejar otro punto muy importante, y es que, al juego le falta, no necesita soporte para ir agregando nuevas cosas y más usuarios se interesen en el.
(Reseña para el evento del "Día Blanco")