help i cannot even log in

It isn't even loading for me I tap on the app and then all I see is a black srcreen.
If I could do 0 stars then I would. The game censoreship gets worse with every update and they haven't changed this store version to 18+ despite everyone pointing out that they should due to the content. Everything is also basically behind a massive pay wall. Don't waste your time.
its not working, it keeps on staying on loading screen and i can't log in.
Way too many bugs and mistakes!
The game crashes often and has problems often. The stages don't load properly, the characters stop healing or fighting, inventory issues, the story is FILLED with mistakes and weird choices. There's a lot of spelling mistakes and the whole game seems to be translated either with a broken AI or a person who does not know how to speak english well.
The option to be male is a joke. The story is written from a female MC's perspective and even if you choose to be a male MC, in the story they continue to talk about your p•ssy and breasts.
Gacha rates are tough but if you grind, they're (so far) manageable. The game tries to get you to pay at any moment possible. There's more options for paid packages than there are cards in the game.
The art is gorgeous, which is the only positive to this. The cards and skills are beautifully drawn.
Saying that, I was caught off guard with the intimacy rooms where you can squeeze their stomachs or legs to make them nut and have to sit there with a PNG of their cum on your screen. Sometimes the game freezes at that point so you sit there in silence rethinking your life decisions.
A major down side is they don't have auto for gameplay, so if you want to grind, you have to do the stages each time, which one stage can take up to 10minutes. It's timed, so even if you have strong cards which kill the enemy instantly, you have to wait until the AI timer throws you another enemy.
Getting items to level up characters and level up their skills takes a long time and it's very tedious.
TLDR; game has bad translation and bugs out a lot, not worth playing until they fix it.
Its kinda bad, i waited 8 hours to log in ambut it atill says players r loging in in the sqme time.
I'm not tolerate any more of this game's management/ development, too pricey and harmful to f2p players. This game had gone ashtray to me. Up till now I have been holding out with some crumb of my fave characters, but it's time to let go i guess ( the content isn't that good to be honest). Such a waste of a potential ![[發怒]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
the screen is black, no idea how to fix it, downloaded from erolabs. help.
This is an amazing game but when it was first released there were lots of bugs, the developer was quite quick to fix the problems
, but they didn't commit to giving server maintenance rewards, so a lot of the rewards were taken back by Developer
, but I hope they learn from their mistakes and provide whatever is best for their players because I am sure that by making it easier for players to get certain items, the game will definitely better
Can't even log in to the game and if I do, it keeps crashing and telling me that there is multiple players in the server and to log in again later. like bruh?! WTF!!! was hoping the devs to fix this but it has been quite some time but I'm still experiencing the same problems in this game ![[大哭]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
I set my gender is male but after fix, it turn into female wtf (・ัω・ั) Can someone tell me how to change that?
о боже как меня уже раздражают все люди, я не жалуюсь на жизнь, но меня некоторые люди уже настолько замотали, что хочу изолироваться ото всех
я теперь понимаю людей на месте которые в ахуе от неожиданного: "ты мне нравишься, вот у нас вроде даже вкусы совпадают и тд", а ты мне нет блять, мне пусто на твои признания, простите, но откуда такая смелость, у меня есть голова на плечах, мне не зачем общаться с тем, кто мне вообще не интересен во всем
как сказать человеку, что ты ему вообще не интересен, чтоб он не вскрылся и не убил меня за ответ
другие индивиды вообще пишут как ни в чем не бывало, мол напишу и все пройдет это так не работает, достали
дайте мне учебу закончить на красный диплом и жить свою жизнь