What in Hell is Bad? Review(s)
total storage it takes is 3.55GB! while graphics are AMAZING, I won't rate much higher than that. Once this is fixed I'll give a higher rating. as this will exist to let the devs know there is an issue.
EDIT: Okay, the game is DECENT in lines of game play, but it really didnt give but ONE preregister reward, cards are a bit harder to level up. Stamina vanaishes VERY fast.
https://www.ero-labs.com/en/game.html?id= 35 ( remove space at the = 35)
is the uncensored version from Eurolabs.

questions and other stuff 👁👁
how do i use the other ult attacks with the others?? is there like a limit or smth because my lineup is satan, mammon, leviathan, paimon, leraye and marbas but i can only use the bursts of satan leraye and marbas
also i kinda want there to be less battles after a story plus more stuff so u can get more solomons tears bc it took me rlly long to promote leviathan and its a hassle doing that for every card i want to
theres still more haha.. for some reason in secret club my bath and selfie leviathan are stuck at erolvl2 at 66% ive done secret club with him like that maybe more than 5 times yet theres no progress at all so i dont think i can unlock other functions

qooqoo ppl help me im begging upside down right now
Images are great, and I think that's about it. They should either focus on female-only game and not add the male choice like a forgotten afterthought. It's too obvious when the devils switch between "Daughter/Son of Solomon" when the choice I made was male, or the voices saying "Kono onna (this woman)". Just delay again, fix the bugs and double check the translated speeches (I won't make too much fuss about the voices, since JP VA are quite expansive and I doubt they're gonna reshoot for more gender neutral calling).
In terms of battling, using the devils' ultimate can be quite confusing for me (yes I'm dumb). I try moving the devils around to trigger ult and still can't get it work. And I understand the First chap. is about having a war with the angels, but a few stages of continuous battles can be quite boring after a while.
So if you're only there to touch the devils and make them come, then yeah, this game will definitely satisfy you. But for the other functions......needs better upgrades in the future. If not, would be quite wasteful for such great potential game.
Added note: Not sure how much gp censor the sexy scenes. I downloaded both Qooapp and Erolabs' version, and find them to be the same.
-Amazing art.
-Fun cutscene when summoning.
-Storlyline is topnotch, I had so much fun through the first chapters I read.
-I really enjoy the mini game with touching the boys.
-Expensive prices at store.
-Gatcha rates are ok but feels a bit random.
-Repetetive battles that get boring, very slow ultimate animation to the point that you will probably finish faster not using them.
-Levling affection with demons is a slow process

-The story fizzles out after some chapters and nothing much happens.
I updated this review since the game has seen a lot of patches since release.
This company should change their name to pretty greedy.
Reaching pity for a single random card is crazy expensive. Especially if you'll compare it to other gacha games.
They never listen to their players. Whether it's through emails or social media. Majority of the time, they'll ignore you.
There are numerous bugs in this game and they take a long time to fix those bugs even if the players are repeatedly reporting it. By a long time I mean multiple weeks or months.
Subpar story overall. They didn't bother fixing the pronoun errors in the story so be ready because the characters will randomly use he then she, back to he then she again etc.
They also released angels as playable characters BUT you have to pay A LOT to get them. It's currently impossible to get them without paying.
Grinding events are still a pain, because even with the 2x speed, the ultimate animations are super slow. Mammon suffers from this the most.
Tanks doesn't feel like tanks, They're super squishy. Bloodshed Beelzebub is doing a better job at tanking compared to actual tanks like Mammon. Plus Beelzebub deals more damage than regular tanks too.
Disappointing game overall. The gorgeous art isn't enough to save this game.
The graphics are beautiful and make the characters look so pretty! The ' selfie ' legendary devils are top-notch! Even the normal sprites are just amazing.
The main storyline is voice acted and fits the characters very nicely. Sub storylines are not voice acted though, and minor characters do not have VAs.
Gameplay is simple and effective, though sometimes the battle is hard to beat without higher level characters. Easy to learn and adapt to!
There are definitely spicy scenes that make your heart race and kick your feet.
Overall, I love it!
Edit: was finally able to play the game after getting an emulator. honestly, its quite fun aside from it still bugging a bit
