What in Hell is Bad? Review(s)
The game crashes often and has problems often. The stages don't load properly, the characters stop healing or fighting, inventory issues, the story is FILLED with mistakes and weird choices. There's a lot of spelling mistakes and the whole game seems to be translated either with a broken AI or a person who does not know how to speak english well.
The option to be male is a joke. The story is written from a female MC's perspective and even if you choose to be a male MC, in the story they continue to talk about your p•ssy and breasts.
Gacha rates are tough but if you grind, they're (so far) manageable. The game tries to get you to pay at any moment possible. There's more options for paid packages than there are cards in the game.
The art is gorgeous, which is the only positive to this. The cards and skills are beautifully drawn.
Saying that, I was caught off guard with the intimacy rooms where you can squeeze their stomachs or legs to make them nut and have to sit there with a PNG of their cum on your screen. Sometimes the game freezes at that point so you sit there in silence rethinking your life decisions.
A major down side is they don't have auto for gameplay, so if you want to grind, you have to do the stages each time, which one stage can take up to 10minutes. It's timed, so even if you have strong cards which kill the enemy instantly, you have to wait until the AI timer throws you another enemy.
Getting items to level up characters and level up their skills takes a long time and it's very tedious.
TLDR; game has bad translation and bugs out a lot, not worth playing until they fix it.
the game is buggy, and im mostly confused with the dailies. i donr understand why we need to give them "affection" and stuff. i thought it would to make them stronger but i still dont understand
gacha (what made me come back)
i remember download it back cause gabriel would be there and i was so excited until i find out that i have to pay to get him. it's fine to have those stuff in the game but at the same time cant i just be f2p?
leveling up
and is it just me that leveling up a character is a bit hard?. i know that they have like ascensions and teardrop thingies to make them stronger, like max level to 20 and then ascend it to make them mote stronger to level 50 or blah blah blah. but i dont know why its hard to get those. or it could be just me and a lot of skill issue
art and animations
really love the animations, i like the characters design. its super pretty that i might even try to copy their style (even when i know I'll fail miserably lol). im learning animations myself and i know its hard to even rig those stuff, even if it looks like they use live2d or maybe like AE, its still hard and i have full respect to the design and animation/rig team.
ah yes, i didn't get far in here cause my team was not strong enough, the characters are goofy, i love goofy characters, its funny. i love the side characters, theyre so cool. but i saw like a lot of people are having problem with the story about the pronouns thing and just so you know i never noticed cause im stuck at chapter 1 ahaha-
i was first excited, disappointed, excited again, and disappointed again. maybe its just not for me (?) i dont know if anyone have the same problem as me but this is my HONEST review. i wish i can get the characters i want without pay and also the game without that much bugs.
if something has changed please do inform me since i really, really, REALLY wanted to play it again but as for now im just gonna continue watching from a far of what this game is gonna go into. good luck to the devs, good luck and have fun to the people who are still playing