404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese Review(s)

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X.E.N.O 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


Perfect name for crap game. This game gameplay creativity is 404 and need a reset too, or better yeet it lol.

Graphics is, not like i have a problem with it since it's have their own uniqueness. But the biggest problem is this game graphics and overal visual is really dangerous for health reason. You can trigger a seizures on people easily with all this "glitchy" RGB and non stop flashing lights. In fact people who have this kind of health issue already said so about this game.

Story, just read the news from qooapp about this game concept. already sum it up.

Gameplay, is it even exist? This game is supposed to be a bullet hell game but you can turn on auto and it already play way much better dodging all bullet than you expected. Just watch low quality 3D playing this messy gameplay.
All feature is a generic gacha games too.

Gacha rate is 2% for highest rarity so it's not FGO tier yet but there's more into it. Besides gacha chara you need to gacha 'figure', it's like an equipment that give your chara a stats boost. That must stuff you need to get and their free gems is really hard to get. 1500 gems for 1 multi and you only get 5 gems from each cleared stages and another 5 gems from each progress mission rewards. I play for hours and still can't get enough to do another 1 multi besides from 1500 gems they give as prereg rewards.

Tl;dr this game exist just for sucking all player money and insulting all sega's game ip in the process. Not even worth to try.
otaku wf 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


honestly not the gameplay i was wanting for the game but its not terrible

will stick with the game for now and see where things go
DianeTheCat 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


some... interesting choices... were made with this game, choices that i frankly do not understand. I actually really dig the aesthetic ansd layout, but there is the issue of the flashing lights and colors and such. There should be an option to turn those effects off, as they could be harmful to players, specially if they are like me, someone who is at high risk of getting an epileptic attack in general.

The whole thing really reminds me of NieR:ReINcarnation, and i like that game a whole lot for a mobile game, so of course, I am indeed biased.

I haven't seen enough of the story to determine if it's really good or not, but i will say that what i have seen, while i don't believe it's gonna become amazing at any point soon, it is pretty interesting, at least, here's hope that it doesn't become crappy later on...

Finally, the gameplay. It's truly mind boggling, why would they choose such an unengaging gameplay for this specific game. its a real drag, that makes me "not" wannna play for long periods of time, and that's a big problem, cuz a game is supposed to make people feel like they want to play more, not less.
Yuri Hyuga 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


I hate the gacha rate for this game, it was so bad I forgot about everything else in the game.
Rain Samanosuke 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


If only they add voice in the story mode, i might understand the story. but it's only Voiced in certain place.


the game's ost is great, the characters are pretty, the main story is kinda interesting, the gameplay style is okay but annoying sometimes because of the bad camera placements in certain waves

the three "problems" i have with this game are the gachas, the missions where you have to spend real money to get rewards and characters (this type of p2w mechanic isn't good at all...) and the fact that we can't disable the flashing lights. i know that it's part of the game's charm and that there's an epilepsy warning shown everytime you start the game but these effects strains eyes and can be harmful to epileptic people/people with undiagnosed epilepsy
Zaharu 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


I found this game very interesting, not only are the characters based on past Sega games, they give you a little back story on each one. The combat appeals to me, since I am a bullet hell fan, but it could use aome optimization. Apart from the laggy combat, the UI could also use improvement, but overall it's a pretty interesting one. Maybe in the future we get some sonic waifus.
2Soulz Game Hunter 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


This game was actually good but i saw that in flights you shoot automatically. This was unpleasant for me because i want to shoot at the enemy how i want like how other flying shoot em ups are, and i don't want to get hints where to shoot.
WubbaWubbaBerry 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


The concept is great . Forgotten retro video games came back to life as AI with a mission. However, that's the only good thing about it(imho).
Gacha rates is Sega level. Gameplay is not engaging and to be blunt, sleep inducing. Game design isn't friendly to your eyes either with all the flashing and neon lights. Im afraid this game wouldn't last long.
NecroCatz 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


A review after forcing myself playing it for a while, in hope that it's not a grinding hell trying to suck every bit of my f2p soul.

The graphic is very good, almost unnecessarily so. A whole 3D waifus for a shootem up game. Which mostly only useful in home, and make the gameplay heavier. The skill cutscenes are mostly meh though, they all are unnecessarily flashy, that 90% of the time you don't even get wtf is going on. Definitely trying to torture people with epilepsy.
The story scenes are pretty good due to the 3D models, but they're all fairly short, and mostly use chat interface for storytelling.

Good i guess? i'm not very familiar with many retro games, but their soundtracks based on those games. Which is nice for a retro enthusiasts but kinda whatever otherwise.

It's a shoot em up games, STG, bullet hell, danmaku, whatever the synonyms are. You make a team consists of 5 casts, each with their own classes (tank/support/healer/dps) and a bunch of attack types (single, rapid, mini aoe, wide aoe, piercing, etc etc). Not to mention elements, so there are indeed wide choice to make your team adapt to the enemies.

The most concerning is the camera view, it use a free camera view and constantly rotates like crazy with glitchy effects and background, unnecessarily making things harder. You can use fixed above camera that gives you more stable view, but most of the time, far away enemies can't be seen as they're out of the screen.

There is auto mode but mostly only good when trying to dodge easy single bullets. When it comes to bullet hell they would just happily kiss the whole horde of explosives coming their way.

This is actually what lured me in to play. The setting is pretty interesting, you're playing as a citizen in a world dominated by SEGA ruling every aspect as the biggest company in the world. But as you about to get employed there, you suddenly shown their dark scheme.
SEGA has been turning their retro games into waifus called 'cast', corrupted them and used their power to change the world's history to their advantage.
Your task is to cleanse them and return the world's history back into it's original.

It is further revealed that there are other alternate world that ruled by other game companies such as Taito, Bamco, etc. Allowing other retro games from those companies to be added. So yeah, tldr: game companies turned bad, then turned their retro games into weaponized waifus.

The other points are good enough for me to keep playing except for the value. In the end, what motivates us to keep playing is how long can we enjoy it.

The game's gacha rate is 2%, fairly low, with a 200x pull required to spark. All the points are lost once banner ended, except if you're pulling on standard banner... which only give you standard casts. 🤷

You need 💎1500 to do a 10 pulls, and only get 💎20 daily.
You get most income as newbie from pushing arenas and panel missions. Stage clears ONLY GIVES YOU 💎5 for a 3 star clear [發火].
Additional incomes comes from arena (mostly 💎10 daily, around 💎300 weekly depends on your rank), then colosseums (guild raid, 💎50 per season on casual guilds, more gems on competitive one 💎500+).
So you mostly only get 10 to 20 pulls monthly with all the banners they constantly throwing at you.

It might sounds reasonable and all except for the fact you will also need figures (weapon) to match the casts (character). And you need BUNCH of dupes to get a high power, and the alternatives for these takes forever to grind. So yes, it's heavy P2W, but don't worry, not so many people is a whale here from what i see, they're mostly veterans who played longer and only pay occasionally. The game value talk for itself, not so many people would whale on games they don't think worth it.

The amount of time to actually build a single character is pretty long too, especially increasing the cast's version outside drop boost events. And farming accesories in the dungeon since it takes a whopping 150 stamina (for reference, your stamina capped around 100 on lv.50, though you can get 300+ staminas daily from missions alone). Increasing figure levels takes forever too, and the item for limit breaking & grade up high rarity ones are very rare. Basically a grinding hell bullet hell game.

If you love bullet hell games, don't care about not getting new and limited characters and their weapon, don't have epilepsy, undestand japanese, and willing to pay to get stronger, i will recommend you. Otherwise, just save your lifespan for better games.
UmbralStar 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


The absolute greed of SEGA. After I burnt away all the freebies I tried to see how easy it is to earn another 10 pull and needless to say it is garbage. 3 star clears on quest nodes pay out a mere 5 (story quests have an extra 5 from the story progress missions but events seemingly do not). To pull you need 1500... There isn't any milestone profile gems either nor do you get any from character stories which gives out its own shit currency to get tickets.

Screw this game I have only gained more hate for SEGA as a company.
pantsu robo 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


this game crashes a lot even with flagship (also kinda laggy too)(probably old engine?)

gameplay is decent, it's like old bullet hell
Mario 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


Gemo Big 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


KÎRÏTØ 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


I want to play with English language & Japanese voice [憋屈]
Gamelover🫠 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


The game is good and the gameplay is strange after something in terms of graphics and story
Also good in terms of girls good shape and semi sexy you can say and this is a copy
Chinese and there is a Japanese version. On the other hand, the current global version does not exist.
Anything about the global version and in terms of the game experience?
I advise you to try it, you may like it or not, the choice is yours in the end.
Download the game and tell me your opinion
Delkay 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


Kitkorri 404 GAME RE:SET | Japanese


i love this game


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