Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown Review(s)

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Micochet_23 Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


It supports english language now.

Graphics: Full 3d with chibi stickers. Very smooth.

Sound: It's not fully voiced. I'm still not far enough, so the thing I heard is only chill and peaceful village bgm.

Gameplay: It's a real time action (hack&slash) with exploration (in small scale) feature where you play as a party of monster riders. There are rider classes based on their weapon (fencer, warrior, lancer and mage, which all have different attack pattern) combined with the elements (fire, water, wind, electric and non-elemental).

Storyline: It's about adventure of Feena (monster-loving freak) and friends to find Volzerk's (the dragon in prologue) light fragments.

Value: There's no gacha. You can directly buy the charas using real money. The best is you can choose one *4 chara (highest rarity) for FREE. Meanwhile, for the monster collecting, it's mostly from the story and quest.

Edit: Reached chapter 2 and honestly it's tiring (I'm not into an open world gameplay btw). Maybe I'll be back in case they made chara/monster who has auto-tracking ultra range beam skill and can explore map at the mach speed.
Frank How Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


cute cool kinda like genshin impact but more better.hoping them to collab in the future.is pretty impress the game run good.[賣萌]
2Soulz Game Hunter Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


The game is actually good, could have been an console game but it's always the same with those type of developers. One bad point is like every mobile game nowadays NO OFFLINE MODE ! but yeah overall story is ok , but the character is weird. Also i feel like this is hour typical "all woman no man character" game which js annoying as f***
Dei-kun Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


Volzerk is a simple monster battle game. Graphics are fine and it looks like a Nintendo 3DS game, since stages are small and 3D models are as if they were polygon style. It is true that stages structures are repeated and most monster animations are shared among others (if they have same weapon type) but in my opinion is fun and easy. The story seems to be fine, for the N5 japanese that I learn. It doesn't have a big lore, so it's technically similar to Shironeko titles. If you like those COLOPL titles I'm sure you will like it as well. The first 4 character is free and once you take it will now cost 10€ so... Choose wisely and you will have a good experience. Some characters can be purchased with in-game coins but they are 3 stars or 2 stars units. Their design and abilities are pretty fine, as well as their gameplay. The objective of the game is simple: clear dungeons and befriend monsters, as if they were Yo-kai. You can collect enemies fragments but I'm not sure what is their use. Probably they boost some characteristics if you defeat them over and over again. There is also a free map exploration to gather materials and defeat as many monsters as you want. It's similar to Atelier series because you can go through those small maps and collect items! Overall the game is fine and fun! You can also download it on Steam and there you have more graphic settings such as FPS options. Also, the camera can be moved with mouse locked. I usually play on PC, it's better. It would be great to have this game in English and I'm sure they will do something about it. The trailer is ironically in English and the Term of Service are in any language. If they do the same thing as they did with Shironeko Golf... We will probably have it in English, too. I'm looking forward for new updates. There are only 5 chapters by the moment, and the protagonist needs to collect Volzerk fragments to restore him. There are 5 chapters and one fragment per chapter, so in total it would be 10 chapters. There's also a boss section to challenge dragons again. Maybe we will have competitions in the future! Please, give it a try! It's nice game. It's not Pay to Win if you organize well !! Good luck and enjoy
Dr. De Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


chill playing no rush for fight system little dificult because you need swipe for spam skill and evade character guarantee by buying them in game money easy to get gears are simple to get all
you can get all monster by fuse/breeding
minus : can't freely move camera
(me playing with steam and phone)
Ichirou Takashima Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


The game is good, surprisingly great 2D-Style Anime Cell Shaded Graphics. Animations are somewhat mid. A bit clunky. Mechanics are perfect and they utilize the swipe features for special skill activations which is a unique take for a hack and slash game. Perfect dodge is also a feature.

Two things that disappoints me though.

One, a lack of advertisement (the total downloads on PlayStore alone is approximately 10,000+). This might lead the game to shutdown early. I was queueing for another player in the egg hatch matching list, I was waiting for an hour but there were no players at all. There weren't even any rewards or presents for new players.

Two, a lack of voice acting which also affects the immersion in the story line. It's clear that they didn't have much budget which is sad. I mean, our monster loving protagonist would be more lovely if they added more voice lines (I know her works and I'm happy for her, sad that COPL didn't invest much). I even wondered what was that 1.8GB of files that says include voice lines. There weren't.

There are even few notable voice actors in this game but alas, there seems to be no budget.

If you like this game, you could spend but I'd be wary. I feel like this game would shut down.
☆ガルベラ★ Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


°Tαrzαη° Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


tem bastante coisa a oferecer pelo tamanho que tem..
MOKzZ GAMING Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


[Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown] Tier List & Reroll Guide

Yuriusu Reirana Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


overall this game is so good just you google translate if you don't understand stuff
Imperius Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


If you want a free Monster Hunter Stories, then try this. It doesn't have much monetization and you get more monsters by breeding
Vianz Salju Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


Mampir kka ya: https://youtu.be/GLPyUg1G-RA
DVT_Deiter Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


khá thú vị[哇噻]
febby Nurdian Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


gmn cara ganti akun
Merika Navijoki Volzerk: Monsters and Lands Unknown


wonderfully !


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