Really cozy atmosphere, chill gameplay, I haven't played much but I can say that it's rly nice
no try no die, lets go for a ride...
i try i die, cant stop without style!!!
Крутая игра, играл в стим, теперь на телефоне поиграю.
Played on Steam version and now it going better as it return to mobile as QooApp exclusives
I've only played on mute so far but it's cute :)
update: I've played with volume. it's good. not the best, but it could have been SO MUCH worse. doesn't change my overall rating
is it just me or does everyone else feel bad when you're not able to immediately fill an order?
pretty cozy management game. I've tried multiple games luke this but none stuck, hoping this one stays for the long run.
breaks my phone but boost before review
review is um, not really my type. Its a business game and im not really good at that. Not saying its bad i can see the potential just not for me. Leaving a good rating to not sully the rating any further..
pretty ok, gameplay is simple and fun and i was enjoying it, until.they gave the freebies and it kinda ruins the immersion of progression...
edit: after playing abit more it actually gets pretty good, making ur heroes go for journeys and they themself gain xp from runs, same as ur crafters, they gain xp from crafts and interestingly uallocate lvl points for crafters, not to mention ur heroes can wear ur crafts, making a good relation of having good crafters mean better heroes.
Just take ur time learning some stuff, like where do u get heroes, how do u get the armorer, try to check every stuff u can check and pretty sure ull eventually learn it, it's pretty confusing but its a pretty fun game if u starts to understand the gameplay loop
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played this on steam before. I like the business aspect and having to manage my stock wisely
So far so good. It's a relaxing game and I appreciate that we can customize our own character later. Excited for my store's expansion!
Enjoying this game atm, however needed alot of grinding since upgrades too expensive makes it hard to play and I'm losing patience waiting for the weapons!/items to get done. Chill and awesome game tho
о боже как меня уже раздражают все люди, я не жалуюсь на жизнь, но меня некоторые люди уже настолько замотали, что хочу изолироваться ото всех
я теперь понимаю людей на месте которые в ахуе от неожиданного: "ты мне нравишься, вот у нас вроде даже вкусы совпадают и тд", а ты мне нет блять, мне пусто на твои признания, простите, но откуда такая смелость, у меня есть голова на плечах, мне не зачем общаться с тем, кто мне вообще не интересен во всем
как сказать человеку, что ты ему вообще не интересен, чтоб он не вскрылся и не убил меня за ответ
другие индивиды вообще пишут как ни в чем не бывало, мол напишу и все пройдет это так не работает, достали
дайте мне учебу закончить на красный диплом и жить свою жизнь