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Kurumi Diary Review(s)

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Aldrin Dennis Dela Pena (Drine) Game Hunter Kurumi Diary


Graphics- i say it's top notch, the details and interaction of things to decoration and stuff. kurumi is cute too lol. i just wish this is safe to play and keep FBI away.

Sound- there are plenty of language available and audio but i think Japanese is the best and original way to enjoy. it just the english translation is bad that sometimes i don't understand what kurumi say or the notes. but i think it's not that bad for a new game to be supported by english already.

Gameplay- As you progress you unlock more interactions and stuffs. Kurumi schedule is based on your real time clock, there are tons of things to do and some events. be sure to check often, Kurumi has a stats also which improved over time when she do some activities, or in app purchase items whichni find it more cheaper than other games. i just hope it stay that way.

Storyline- she is your childhood friend and living in the same roof with you. as you progress, you become closer to her and unlock more features. finishing story and events unlock stats to improved Kurumi attributes to succesfully finish some task and story etc.

Value- i think this is a way to keep you busy and less lonely when you feel bored or alone. as day pass you want to keep checking on her and raise her intimacy.
it's a perfect time killer, simple and relaxing.

just like other said it can run on lower end device but running on recommended or max setting is more enjoyable and pleasing to the eyes.

file storage 1gb+ available to download in Playstore.
(i am using Xiaomi Poco X3 and i can play max settings without problem, game smooth, no force close.)
Zenriel Kurumi Diary


Full Size : 2,47GB (02/01/2022)
kalau sering force close, coba download lewat playstore

game real time raising sims, ya mirip Pou, jadi kita berinteraksi dengan Kurumi sesuai waktu real life kita gitu, cukup interaktif, kita bisa buka oven, kulkas, pasang hasil gambaran Kurumi, dan ngobrol bareng kurumi saat dia sibuk menggambar

cukup menantang untuk story nya, karena kita harus menaikkan stats Kurumi agar dia bisa menyelesaikan stage story

-Yen/dollar untuk beli makanan buat Kurumi yang suka makan, beli furnitur, dan aksesoris seperti masker, dll
-Diamond untuk beli pakaian Kurumi (kasian dia pake Hoodie hitam dan kaos kaki terus)

-ada sedikit bug dimana dialog nya kadang rusak/ga kebaca, tapi bisa di fix dengan relog
-ada daily pass (kek PUBG) yang kinda pay to win, dan sedikit susah dptin diamond
-dialog bahasa inggris yang agak terlambat dari suara Kurumi, cukup mengganggu
-dan beberapa text game yang terpotong oleh layar (atau karena device gw yang ga gede? wkwk)

overall cukup seru karena berasa main ama pacar, anjirr ngenes banget hidup gw wkwk
Kendy Kurumi Diary


but crashes frequently :(
edit :
but it fixed after updating from google play
Raccoon Ch Top Contributor Kurumi Diary


Kurumi Diary น้องน่ารักมากเกมนี้เหมือนดูแลเด็กคนหนี่งเลย ภาพดีงากราฟิกสวย เสียงดนตรีเพราะดี เตรียมเนื้อที่ไว้ประมาณ2gครับ
สามารถล๊อกอินโดยใช้ google ไอดีได้
Hamster BOOM2007 Kurumi Diary


Збс я ухаживаю за грецким орехом👍 ну а если серьёзно, то там слишком кривой перевод, но очень красивая графика в этой игруле
Red Evans Kurumi Diary


For me who don't have any friends to talk with and girlfriend to spend my money at. This game is really perfect... Although I still not buying anything with the real money as Im f2p. All prices on the game is much cheaper than any other games and your girlfriend. Coz here you only buy either packs or costumes with real money unlike in real life. Well Ik Rl girlfriend is much better than vitual but it's also most expensive than in this game. Thanks for reading....
Just A Random Virgin Kurumi Diary


The game's graphics are cute and there are also voice lines available so that's great, however the english translation isn't that great and some of the sentences aren't complete which sometimes make it hard to understand what kurumi is talking about

After playing the game for a while, I encountered a bug where I can't see the choices whenever I have to talk to kurumi
TzuQuelXiuh Kurumi Diary


Me encanta el juego espero poder seguir disfrutando de este divertido jugo
agmenos47 Kurumi Diary


If it crashes to your device you should download/update it in playstore. Seems the Qooapp APK has the problem.
ReYNikkI Kurumi Diary


game nya imut banget gilaaaa, story nya juga keren, Dub nya juga, grafis nya bagi ku gada kurang sih dah perfect

dari sticker jadi sampe game wkwk keren
Nescroid Kurumi Diary


Un gran juego que te hara sentir como si estuvieras en compañia de otra persona.


Puntos buenos:
1.- los graficos son espectaculares no hay un lugar donde los graficos bajen, son geniales

2.- la optimización es algo que se lleva el premio, esta muy bien optimizado (dire la verdad tengo un cel algo malo y si me va bien no me imagino a quien le ira mal) bastante cantidad de fps y fluido.

3.- las interacciones en estos tipos de juegos son importantes y veo que este juego tiene interacciones muy buenas tanto como hablar con kurumi (cambia mucho el nombre pero la llamare asi, son cosas de la traducción) y tanto para interactuar en la casa.

4.- las historias pequeñas que hay en el juego son entretenidas te mete mucho en la historia y te hace pensar en elegir la opcion mas correcta para la situacion, los escenarios son dibujos de fondo (eso no me importa pero a quien le importe) pero a pesar de eso te hace vivir la historia.

puntos malos:

1.- la traducción es algo mala hay algunas palabras que son cambiadas por simbolos como "+#=¥€" es un ejemplo, tambien a la personaje se le cambia mucho el nombre y la verdad ya no se como se llama enrealidad.

2.- el sistema de conseguir unas tipo cartas (nose que sean) es un poco lento y tendras que pagar para obtenerlas, las cartas son importantes para las historias pequeñas que hay en el juego ya que te ayudan en las deciciones, eso no quita que al interactuar con la personaje en el juego no se necesiten de estas cartas es solo en las historias.

3.- las misiones en el pase son un poco complicadas de hacer ya que algunas veces te piden hacer una interaccion con el personaje pero esta ocupado y no puedes hacer nada mas que esperar un rato, esto es un problema para los que quieran comprar el pase.

son todas las cosas buenas y malas que vi de este juego (no hablare de la ropa en el juego porque no es importante para hacer algo en dicho juego pero si esta algo subida de precio)
Rency Top Contributor Kurumi Diary


Game này hay mà nhẹ nhàng lắm nhé mn. Cốt truyện chỉ có ở chung nhà với Kurumi rồi chơi với ẻm thôi. Ai muốn thư giãn thì chắc chắn nên thử game này. Nma nên tải trên google play chứ có vẻ bản Apk ở đây đang lỗi thì phải.
吉川ミミ Kurumi Diary


とてもキュートでうまくデザインされたストーリーとゲームプレイは素晴らしいです!いくつかの言語で利用可能で、このゲームはとても良いと思いました。私のお気に入りの1つです!_(:3 」∠ )_
Kei Kurumi Diary


I tried this Apk a long time ago when it was in Chinese and I was fascinated, this game cures depression.

If the screen crashes when starting, minimize the Apk for a few seconds and when entering again it should work! [哇噻]
Erine Kurumi Diary


The game is good, the graphics are also good. it's really good, don't ask the character again[開心][開心]
iJavi Kurumi Diary


such a cute game
if you're curious about the gameplay: https://youtu.be/5huAZf54chI
Ha Nguyen Kurumi Diary


bị out hoài vừa vô đc 20s là out :(((((
ふみ Kurumi Diary


Best! She is really cute and I think this game is great if you want some accompany for a bit. The only downside of this is the english ver is like they translated it thru google translate so it's kinda hard to understand it overall and there are bugs at the store I can't really buy anything and the texts is sometimes out of the box or nonexistent. Overall it's really good. I hope there are some other games out there just like this.
ムラシゲ アンンア Kurumi Diary


I love the graphics, sounds and animations but the problem is it keeps on Crashing can't even interact to kurumi, please fix the game ASAP.


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