When does it get English? English please ![[大哭]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
我是在ios上玩的,但因为评论不了所以特地来这里写个评论~ 剧情实在是绝了不是我吹,看完心情无法平静(╥﹏╥) 如果有汉化我觉得很难不火。看到第一季结尾就是第五章左右基本垂直入坑,唯一不好的体验是语言不通没办法完整的了解各种小细节>< 啊啊啊啊啊啊痛苦
我感觉我再也找不到第二个这么喜欢的乙游了(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) 每个男主都好有魅力,包括配角都塑造的非常好,也是我在乙游里看到过塑造的最好的女主和闺蜜的友情, 以及第二季各个结局都非常好哭T_T 也就是目前更新到的第十章。
总之我想说的是,请一定要看下去,而且一定要看秘密故事,神仙剧本(´༎ຶ༎ຶ) 如果想氪电话卡也非常推荐,如果花道具打的话,一定要注意电话不能随便打,只有固定章节之后才能打,不然就会浪费道具
would be great if they translated it 🥹🥹
I started w the thought of it being chill but the story turned out to be very interesting, it got a bit intense and depressing around chap5 (10 chaps in total). So far the game had provided eng translation until this part along with some secret/character stories so you still need an on-screen translator. The game gives out plenty of in-game resources in exchange for watching ads so I don't think you'll hv trouble playing.
also love the art smm
i wish it can be translated cause its really captivating
Does anyone have the same problem after update ?
I mean i can't watch any ads to earn bids and everything...
i see error 3
does anyone have that problem?
please release English version ![[大哭]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
After the update it just says check network even though my connection is fine. uninstalled