Eggy Party | Simplified Chinese Review(s)

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Stera Eggy Party | Simplified Chinese


What can i say about party games like this one, it's very fun especially if you play with friend. Let us hope more games with this theme.

If only this games release in english version geez, well it was still cbt version.

Similar with FallGuys gameplay, there are variety of mini games that eleminates each of you until only one that become a winner.

But it's a little bit trick for the control, especially in the near last stages.

Geez so much fun ~~~ [色色][色色][色色]
shoyz Eggy Party | Simplified Chinese


It's a really solid competitor to Fall Guys.
The rolling mechanic is super satisfying and raises the skill ceiling massively. There's also a Mario Kart-esque attack system with skillshot bombs to throw in some levels.

Aesthetics and UI are super clean and stylish. Base characters are bland but the rare costumes are gorgeous. They've also added a social lobby and a custom map designer/browser.

The latency makes the game nigh unplayable outside of China, hopefully it will go Global.

The only concern I have is monetization; a win rewards a coin. But unlike Fall Guys where you can purchase any costume piece for 5 wins, this game rewards you a gacha pull with only a 1% chance to pull the spotlight outfit. Brutal odds, I assume with the intent to sell the coins as the main method of obtaining them.

It's super promising, way more fun than Fall Guys if the map designs hold up.
algifor8 Eggy Party | Simplified Chinese


le jeu ressemble à 100 % à fall guys ultimate knockout[哇噻]😂😂
Wawan Setiawan Eggy Party | Simplified Chinese


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