I like this game its fun
I am sorry
All i wanted to play this game ok its jest fate order
Waitz moon thats all
its not 2020 its fun game
I'm not very good with rhythm games, but it's FGO.
jogo maravilhoso sem palavras mas alguem sabe se tem como desbloquear outro personagem
Good game, but i feel really weird when playing it in the public area
Don't uninstall this game yet my friend
. They update the game from the inside of app, you must wait to download new data but it was ok. I think it will works for the next update too. It's a very good game with a nice gameplay and perfect graphic. I also satisfied with the song and another features. I very recommend this game for you. I'm very happy for the new stage 'prelude' but now I shall wait the next update for 'interlude'
. By the way, a little advice for all of the player, if you want to get S you need to complete all the mission Unison, Perfect, and Combo. And for your information you can change the graphic to low to increase your chance to get the perfect tap, also the costume feature won't be unlock until you clear all the stage.
Its not a dating game its a rhythm game, very simple and challenging, you dont need to know japanese to play, seems to be no character selection rn or i need to play more, ram changes her clothes depends on the mission you picked, a bit wei4d that she is the only one dancing while you just stand there poking at random place
muy buen juego graficas bien optimisadas jugabilidad buena pero me gustaría que estuviera en español o ingles
I'm writing this review as an FGO player and a rhythm game fan
the graphics not really a surprise since our salty tears went into this game is pretty good usually I dislike 3D anime graphics but it's on the level of Enstars
I really love the songs especially the 3rd song you play in the prologue.
The lines that Da Vinci us saying is also voiced so that's very nice as well
It's totally free to play Like really no Gacha just you and Mash
some con:
now honestly I personally do wish that there was a way for you to dance with all your servants especially my favs like Gil, Eresh ect.
The content since it's new there is nothing much to it but just tap tap rhythm rhythm especially if you don't care about da Vinci's dialogue
The graphics example Mash's calves can look a bit weird... but that's just me being picky
overall it's a cute game and very cute if you absolutely live best Kouhai
Easy cleaning. Get S rank for all questions.
о боже как меня уже раздражают все люди, я не жалуюсь на жизнь, но меня некоторые люди уже настолько замотали, что хочу изолироваться ото всех
я теперь понимаю людей на месте которые в ахуе от неожиданного: "ты мне нравишься, вот у нас вроде даже вкусы совпадают и тд", а ты мне нет блять, мне пусто на твои признания, простите, но откуда такая смелость, у меня есть голова на плечах, мне не зачем общаться с тем, кто мне вообще не интересен во всем
как сказать человеку, что ты ему вообще не интересен, чтоб он не вскрылся и не убил меня за ответ
другие индивиды вообще пишут как ни в чем не бывало, мол напишу и все пройдет это так не работает, достали
дайте мне учебу закончить на красный диплом и жить свою жизнь