Game ini sangat santai untuk dimainkan, teka-tekinya juga seru gk terlalu sulit untuk diselesaikan. Sangat di rekomendasi untuk yang suka dengan genre teka-teki seperti aku (◡ ω ◡)
Tapi game-nya ini Online gak bisa offline jadi iklan akan menggangu pas sudah menyelesaikan atau mengulang setiap level.
This is just pretty much the same as the other Eureka Studio games. Simple point and click & dragging. It's good time killer, sometimes pretty humorous, very easy to get by levels, but not really that amusing most of the time. I'd say it's worth to play if you like these types of games or a fan of this dev. I only played it to complete it and kill time. There's a lot of ads by the way so make sure to turn on airplane mode.
Nice Gameplay , easy to play and very fun!