Manasis Refrain | Japanese Review(s)

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harumyuki Manasis Refrain | Japanese


basically what an atelier mobile game could be (unlike the other garbage atelier mobile game we got). ive been somehwat following the game ever since it was originally called "A project" back in like early-mid 2020, and the game's actually pretty good ^^

graphics: they're pretty good for a game released right now, the models are really detailed and cool, a few extra details added, and the character models would look like something straight out of a jrpg console game.

sound: the music for the game is really good, the music is something that would come out of an atelier game, one of my favorites is the battle song, it sticks to the calm and laid back vibe of the game without sounding out of place (hopefully i explained that well lmao) but when you start off the game it ends up getting overshadowed by the loud attack sounds and stuff.

gameplay: the game is sorta like an arpg game? each stage is a pretty huge area with monsters, chests, puzzles, and wood and crystals to collect, and outside of the stages, you're in a small little town in the middle of the ocean (literally) and everyone, including you, are chibis, you can walk around, collect stuff, go into some houses and stuff (although the places have a fixed camera angle) and talk with people. the chibi models are pretty detailed, and you can change how you look. and about the gacha, you have to defeat area 2 (the cave with the spider boss) to unlock it. there's a 50x gacha where you get a SSR/5* character on the last 10 pull if you're unlucky (like me). the rates for SSR/5* characters is 2.5 precent which isn't that bad, the character roster is also pretty small (there's only 6 characters, they're definitely gonna add more though, that is if the playerbase is large enough to sustain the game) meaning it's pretty easy to get your favorite character, the game has a ton of other features that i can't really explain since it's in japanese and i can't understand it.

the storyline is n/a and i just explained why in the gameplau section

value: that's up to whoever decides to read this to decide, if you hate tecent though, you might not wanna spend money since the game's published by them basically

final thoughts: this game, imo, is one of the more decent games that came out this year, it's one of those games where i spend hours on it grinding and stuff, and i really like the effort they put into it
Hokekiyo Game Hunter Manasis Refrain | Japanese


sedih, mau main tapi ada kendala gak bisa update data karna kendala jaringan, disuruh update game langsung dari playstore japang pasti ribet banget harus ini itu, padahal game nya bagus..
beta zest Manasis Refrain | Japanese


*Games review :

Games : Manasis Refrain
Language : Japanese
Size : 3.5GB
Price : Free
Platform : Android, IOS
Download :
🔴🔴 must download from Japan Google Play/App Store to play

🌟Graphic 4/5
🌟Sound 4/5
🌟Gameplay 4/5
🌟Storyline 4/5

Overoll 4/5 🌟🌟🌟

CBT Gameplay | All Ten Dungeons And Boss Fight :

5 Minutes CBT Gameplay :

Official Release Gameplay :

Keyword :
#Actionrpg #mobilegames #ManasisRefrain
RexLapiz Game Hunter Manasis Refrain | Japanese


Udah lama lunggu akhirnya rilis juga..
dari segi gameplay bagus, desain karakter yg waifuable.. trus ada mode chibi nya di town

perfect lah.. [開心]
untuk sekarang full size nya 2,9gb
Y2S Ash Manasis Refrain | Japanese


....... is client fault ? is qoo not gonna fix this on jp play store they can play this but lot ppl cant download from there and here and taptap have same problem no one want fix it hahahahah =͟͟͞͞( •̀д•́)=͟͟͞͞( •̀д•́)=͟͟͞͞( •̀д•́)=͟͟͞͞( •̀д•́)
⭐k1r1to⭐ Manasis Refrain | Japanese


Es realmente entretenido, aunque muy demorado el conseguir gemas para el gacha ><
Tzeo Arudaloo Manasis Refrain | Japanese


This game reminds me so much like Atelier Ryza, very casual and cute and nothing world threatening, nice variations of materials to gather, fishing, crafting, cooking and even camping and all six girls are really cute.
InWSiNoN Manasis Refrain | Japanese


ิดีทุกอย่าง ติดอ่านไม่ค่อยออก ฮ่าๆ เดินเศวสบางที่ งงให้ทำไรว้า
Yuya Makoto Manasis Refrain | Japanese


The best thing about this game is that you can grind crystals by redoing the daily bounties and reroll them until you get all 3 bounties giving 100 crystals each. The gold cost get expensive if you keep doing this, but the ticket to redo daily only cost 50 crystals! Which means redoing daily bounties is worth 250 crystals each ticket!

Pure F2P can get by getting all units and memories simply by grinding!
Archie- Manasis Refrain | Japanese



Amacchi Game Hunter Manasis Refrain | Japanese


Good game, tidak terlalu buruk lah
Mirip kaya genshin versi lite [鬼臉]
Chara ny bisa jadi chibi [開心][開心]

Disarankan internet bagus untuk download didalam game

Jreeeeng ....
Overall 5/5
Fredy L Manasis Refrain | Japanese


after playing for a while, the game isn't really attached to me. the story itself isn't that good, well maybe cuz i skip most of the dialogue, too much short scene n short dialogue between quest, yes every new quest either story or side quest will have this annoying short scene made me drop it. somehow i cannot stand it.

the graphic n action gameplay is awesome, just need the developer added more difficulty dungeon and its perfect. i am strongly recommend the game for one who like YS series gameplay. it's super cool ! far better than ys IX.

the music is lovely n calming, for boss music's you can feel the tension. sound effect is also nice.

for recommend char, get the "5 star light element long hair blonde (name : mildred)" her ultimate is OP, the strongest ultimate right now.

also don't bother invest in any 4 star DPS, they suck, low dmg n useless skill even with elemental advantage they still suck !! super weak. for 4 star invest the one with support skill.

currently you can win everything with the 5 star mildred n two 4star support char.
Shiro♡ Manasis Refrain | Japanese


es un buen juego corre en moviles de bajos recursos esta entretenido no necesitas vpn para jugarlo y los characters son bonitos con habilidades unicas es parecido a genshin.
John Nathan Manasis Refrain | Japanese


VPN to JP store to download
you don't need VPN to join game

low settings but it can't make UI resolution better
very hard to see word ( don't like GI )

I feel like it's not optimized, my phone play GI smoother than this game
enSALADaa Manasis Refrain | Japanese


El juego es bastante bueno en general en cuanto a gameplay, tal vez el único problema que encuentro es todo el proceso para descargar el juego y que funcione.
Vatisas Vorn Manasis Refrain | Japanese


game xịn sò thật .đồ họa khỏi chê với một con game chưa tới 5gb
nyo Manasis Refrain | Japanese


Somehow this game gave me strong atelier series vibes, I like it. Seamless transitions when entering and exiting combat, smooth combat and gameplay, cozy background musics, cute chibis in the town, customizable MC (from faces, hair, to clothes. sadly, MC is only visible in town), has day-night cycle, and you can interact with another players in the town.

The game language is japanese(obviously), but for those who can't read japanese, the story quest is voiced so..yeah, you might be able to understand one or few things.

For the gacha, the rates are fair enough, 2.5% for SSR character, 7.5% for SR character, 10% SR card, 80% R card. yes, the gacha contains both characters and cards.

I swear, the graphics and character design is pretty similar to atelier series.
Nur Hadi Manasis Refrain | Japanese


Silahkan coba sendiri. Wajib pakai tap translator main game server luar negeri.
Mohon untuk tidak bacot gamenya bahasa ga Inggris atau indo karena belum ada dana buat ngembangin bahasa lain. Mau nunggu global?
gue ga yakin, kecuali ada dev lain atau inisiatif dari dev dev-nya sendiri buat nambahin futur bahasa. Karena jarang banget ada game jepang yang nambahin fitur bahasa
oomgomfg Manasis Refrain | Japanese


The game started off fairly well with plenty of handouts and opportunity to gain gacha currency.
But maybe they weren't doing well financially and lowered the amount of currency and added a bunch of cash grabs as updates. Getting currency is linked directly to player exp with its setup, so now you can't level as fast in addition to not having the gems to roll gacha with unless you pay.

Their events seem to consist of making you run across the same map A LOT of times to fight the bosses at the end. This has been consistent for their first few events now, not even a new format. When people found a glitch in the system that makes it less painfully they went and patched it ASAP instead of going after the real bugs that prevent people from advancing progression.

The game has plenty of bugs and glitches. The materials that every NPC seem to want for likeability never show up since opening and they have not even attempt to fix it. Sometimes your spoils would disappear because of a day cycle change. Sometimes you get stuck in battle because you killed your enemy but they won't die. The list goes on.

Nexon tier company with repetitive game content, only reason to play this thing is because it's cute now. (good reason to play but not good enough to stay)


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не ценники, а бомбалейло... я же готовлюсь к поступлению... решила глянуть что стоит все, да и что понадобится вообще, ведь я уже иду не в художку, хотя и в художке затраты не маленькие. ❗внимание. много букв и цифр❗ первое полугодие: акварель "Белые ночи" — 3 160 рублей. бумага акварельная а2, "Балерина" — 804 рубля. бумага акварельная а3, "Осень" — 801 рубль за 3 упаковки. бумага акварельная а4, "Осень" — 510 рублей за 3 упаковки. бумага акварельная а5 "Finenolo" — 500 рублей за 2 упаковки. второе полугодие: масло "мастер класс" 12 цветов, 18 мл — 2 900 рублей. масленка — 387 рублей. тройник — 589 рублей. лаки — 300 рублей. лак для волос — 350 рублей. мастихин — 230 рублей. кисти "Щетина" — 1000+ рублей. кисти "Синтетика" — 1000+ рублей. холсты — год: бумага для черчения а2, 2 папки по 24 листочка, меньше нет — 1 534 рубля. бумага для черчение а3 — 416 рублей за 40 листов. карандаши простые, kooh-i-noor — 1000 рублей. папка а2 — 2 000 рублей. сепия и сангина — 962 рубля. соус — 650. этюдник — 6 000 рублей. итого: 25 100 рублей. теперь это мой виш-лист. если кто хочет поддержать донатиком, то я только за.
эх практика наткнулась щас в галерее на фотки с апреля, я тогда месяц в школе работала и как раз в то время окончательно поняла что преподавание в школе - не моё. ну вот не в кайф мне учить детей которым на учёбу всё равно, общаться с коллективом, где большая часть людей - несчастные женщины у которых единственное оставшееся развлечение это обсуждать других челов и топить новичков; заваливать себя кипой бумаг которые особо-то не нужны, но вроде как нужны, ну и вообще я не хочу работать с 7 до 8 за 20к в месяц[發困] я не понимаю людей которые вот отучились в колледже/универе и ничего кроме полученной специальности не видят. я как-то перед выпускным разговаривала с одногруппницами, заговорили про планы на будущее, и все как одна говорили "ну я училась на препода началки, значит там и буду работать" типа втф?? почему?? вы же это ненавидите, зачем заставлять себя делать то что не нравится, чтобы что? чтобы убедить себя что не зря выбрала эту специальность? я не понимаю.
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