Blue Archive | Japanese Review(s)
Eh? Yeah yeah. alright... What are we in for anyway Sei?
Blue Archive! The one with that cute innocent looking girl as the icon!
Jeez... alright. Let's start Sei.
You've been wandering at qooapp, looking for games to play when you've suddenly saw this cute anime girl... you've read the title and it says "Blue Archive".
You've told yourself: "This looks interesting!" and proceeded to download the game.
Is that what happened to you? Well, if it is then we're the same! Because I'm a sucker for cute anime girls.
So what do we have on this game Sei?
Oh! Yes! I've said it earlier. Cute anime girls.
Angelic anime girls. And not just because they're too cute. It's also because each of them have halo!
All of them! Maji Tenshi!
But objectively? Yostar or whoever did all of the character design on this really have done well.
The game have this really "brand new" feel to it. Everything feels popping and fresh and it really attracts you as you navigate through the menu, the story, the gacha, everything that you'll probably will see on the interface level of the game really pops!
I know it's not the game itself but it really is the one of the things that I have noticed. It really is well-made.
How about the gameplay Sei?
Well... we used to play priconne (Princess Connect) before right? It kinda is like that. But....
Wait for it...
In 3D!
Everything is better in 3D! Just kidding.
They also have guns! Lots of them! Because FREEEEDOOOMM!
But in seriousness, the gameplay feels like priconne with a mix of also a Yostar game, Arknights.
It really just an auto game while you just tap the character portrait for them to perform their special move with an added Arknights twist of somekind of energy bar so you wouldn't be able to spam them. (Just correct me on this term lol)
What's that? The auto will automatically do the special move for you without tapping?
Yes! yes! But does anybody really play at full auto anyway? I guess if you kind of want to not have much of interaction on the game and your girls OP, just go.
Other worth note-taking thing on the game is the visual novel like aspect that shows how well-made the art is and kind of a breath of fresh air on the action-packed stuff this has. It will also give you a chance to try other characters aside from the ones you have. Real nice if you ask me.
How about the gacha Sei?
Ah... gacha... I haven't really have read about the rates but as usual for JP gachas, you won't really have pity pulls on this one. But it doesn't matter really... You remembered that I've said it's like priconne? It's because..
Introducing! The best system you'll ever get on a gacha game! (joking) Whale tears!
Whale tears is an specialized gem that can be used to buy at the whale shop for the character fragments. This way, you can farm for the waif- *ahem* angel student you want.
Note: Student-Teacher relationship is prohibited.
And yes, I forgot to tell that you're kind of a teacher here.
Also they can pronounce your name on the game.
Really Sei?!
Yep, if you have written a Japanese name.
I really haven't tried it. But that's what my friends have said. So... I just believed them.
Yes, I have friends.
Any final notes Sei?
Final notes eh? Well, the game is fun. But in all honesty? It will bore you after a lot of stages. One thing that could make it fresh is you having a lot a team setup to shuffle from.
The game is rewarding for beginners as a lot of mobile games are but I really see that it will really come to the point where you'll be bored. Well, the game is quite young and surely, improvements and events will come.
Just try to enjoy yourself on the Arknights like aspect of the game wherein you can also strategize based on your team composition. If you enjoy games like that? This game surely will fit you.

Pretty good storyline with top tier voice acting.
Reroll takes about 10 or 20 minutes. Gacha rate is 3% with shard system like in priconne. You can also unlock some 3 stars by farming hard stages like in priconne.
Gameplay: Likes GFL you can choose to activate the girl's skills whenever u like.
Graphics: chibi in combat, live 2D on home screen. Noice.
STORY: The story is decent, it revolves around the player being a teacher being assigned to be the head of different schools and lead all these highschool girls. With the advisor went missing mysteriously, players are also acting as the advisor of the student council and have to investigate what happened.
GACHA: I think it's a pretty decent gach rate,3 star rates are 2.5%, 2 stars 18.5%, 1 star 79%. U can get 40 diamonds from reading main story, 20 from each mission, you can also get additional diamonds from beginner's mission.
Hope you( Sensei) guys collect more cute high school girls. ( ゚∀゚)o彡゚
Sudah saya coba pakai Realme C11 Ram 2. Awalnya berjalan lancar sekali, tapi pas masuk Stage 2 kadang game lemot, freeze (tapi nggak force close). Entah itu karna Hp saya yg low spec atau emang gamenya yg tergolong masih baru. Setting grafik & FPS hanya membantu sedikit.
Selanjutnya akan saya coba lewat Emulator PC dan ditunggu updatenya.
*edit : sudah saya coba di emulator LDPlayer, lancar dan tidak ada kendala bila setting FPS dalam game dibuat 30. Spek Leptop saya, Lenovo G40, Procesor Intel Celeron, VGA Intel Hd, RAM 4.
Character Animations....THE BEST! Gacha rates : Awesome! the menu and everything has a unique pop up style which is cute in its own way.2.5% For 3 stars i think but you get the characters too often and gacha currency is super easy to get!
Story? we'll you've been appointed as a Sensei/Teacher in heaven and you'll just have to find Miracles in daily life...jist's good(use a screen translator if you really wanna enjoy the story)
Gameplay....hmm.... kind of like a 3D combonation of Arknights,Priconne and Girls Frontline... the characters shoot on their own and they have their type(like tank or sniper) according to which they are placed front or back and they move accordingly. All you have to do is use their skill by pressing or dragging the skill button. also the is a skill point bar similar to arknights so that you can't spam skill(skills have cooldown and costs skill point)
Đồ họa khá ổn
Soundtrack k quá hay nhưng cũng k chê đc (chắc tại nghe nhiều cái OST hay quá nên lên mức)
Mới đầu vào nhìn cái gameplay hơi meh xíu nhưng từ từ thấy hay hay (kiểu Girls Frontline với Azur Lane hợp lại z) cũng khá mới mẻ.
Story cũng bựa lol, nhưng đừng xài chiêu nhử của Mihoyo là ok:)))
F2P thì ngang cơ Priconne, chỉ cần hốt đc nhân vật thì full sao chỉ là vấn đề thời gian chứ k phải kiểu FGO
Tl;dr this game is pretty good to play casually, but if you are like me and seeking something on the level of arknights' gameplay then this probably isn't for you.
+ Gameplay is okay, wonky AI sometimes is annoying and frustrating.
+ Cute, well-made graphic, music is good also.
+ Team building
+ Fast farming without skip ticket, perfect for just login periodically, do daily stuff and get out if you are tight on time. (to finish daily stuffs roughly take somewhere between 5-10 minutes).
+ Some high rarity character can be farmed.
+ Has raid battles with multiple variety (pure single boss, mobbing boss and multiple phase boss).
- Fragment and sushiman stages does not guaranteed drop ... making a grind is already long take longer (especially if you have bad rng after rerolling and lack units to progress)
- No pity system mean you might experiencing bad rng, although there is a spark system at the cost of 200 rolls.
- Very meta heavy when it comes to raids.
- Progression can be hammered if you have terrible luck, and investing in a temporary unit is very expensive (there is almost no cost difference between raising a natural 1* and 3*, and raising 1* is much more costly if they need to be 3* to be worth using, take Asuna for example).
loterii, w której główną wygraną był samochód. Ojciec spuścił mi za to wpierdol. Ale
następnego dnia gdy się obudził przed drzwiami stal nowy samochód. Wszyscy płakali,
zwłaszcza ja, bo to był samochód elektryków, którzy przyjechali odłączyć prąd. Ojciec
spuścił mi wpierdol jeszcze raz.
The game itself is F2P friendly, every time they do maintenance = appologems, 1200 pyrox, if there was additional maintenance hours, then you get more. And you said the gachas is bad? YES, but compared to FGO, BA is far more better. I did managed to get all limited students, except 3 (1st summer event, and N.Y Mutsuki) and all I do to get them is just doing daily, weekly raids, pvp (managed to reach top 185 in lvl78 bracket and constantly defending), clearing normal and hard stages, etc. That's enough to get you most of the limited students if you just pull on limited gachas. What's more, it's not time consuming like AK which is you need to do annihilation where you need around 12mins or more on auto battle (no skip animations) to get 300 orundum (max 1600 but you can increase the cap) alone, that's sounds painful lol if you played it on mobile compared with BA which have auto grind systems. Also, benefits for reaching max levels is you can convert all the energy for tickets to exchange them to get shards, exp reports, and t2/t3/t4 equipment blueprint. So for example you spend 20 energy on 1 stages, you also get 20 tickets. Equals 1:1 and capped 12600 each week, sounds good right?
Also, because yostar increased the level cap, that means all the stages level enemies is also increasing, including raid boss which is now lv80 on extreme.. But no worries, if you managed to reach only Hard (lv50 boss), that is already enough to get you 800 pyrox every week, if you can pass 1 level more, you secured 1200. More pyrox for your gachas.
Ending story, it's all F2P friendly. If you stumbled on any reviews that is not F2P friendly, ignore it. Believe on your own RnG.