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TinyWorld Cards

Михаил Иноземцев TinyWorld

Game Card created, 1 cards shared

Player Name: Geero
Player ID: 185227807686
Guild: warrior

Introduction: i have 2 roles for playing ranger and warrior, i'm a new player, so I don't have many thoughts about everything I have, in fact I would like to ask for the ability to transfer things by mail, if it possible


Game Card created, 1 cards shared

Player Name: kjlm
Guild: jjmm

Introduction: jjl

.3 TinyWorld

Game Card created, 1 cards shared

Player Name: 箭之勇者

Introduction: 这么玩?

哇呜哇哇 TinyWorld

Game Card created, 4 cards shared

Player Name: 谁删谁ma死
Guild: lj游戏💩

Introduction: 建议想入坑的看看,管理心虚了给我删了,笑死我了,删一次我发一次

哇呜哇哇 TinyWorld

Game Card created, 1 cards shared

Player Name: 111
Guild: 111

Introduction: 哎哟喂,有人心虚了,我长评被删了,我发一下之前的截图,大家不要上当


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