Its good! Although the game just came out I am already very invested. Even if its side quests, its atleast entertaining to an extent. The graphics are great even on phone, and the gameplay is pretty good! Thoush since it is a turn based game I am sure lots of people will get bored at some point and there is not many to it. The gacha system is a little bit better than genshin and many other games at the very least but it still can be dissapointing but, the rates are still like genshin. As of now its not super grindy and the rewards there are pretty generous in a way or another. But I feel as if you can easily run out of things to do if you don't have a quest to do since exploration and combat doesn't and other features don't offer you much but its still good. The messages feature is funny and overall the game is great. The relics (artifacts) system works pretty much like genshin so be careful. The exploration has a lot of easter eggs but other than that there is not much to it other than interesting npcs sometimes. Although sometimes the background just turns white when I am playing but the game just released and its not a big problem. The game may still have flaws and many are dissapointed but it just released and i still enjoy it.
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2.6崩铁建模和音乐是米哈游的强项,一如既往的很好。但是体验方面真的让人很难受。 1.剧情不能跳过已经是米游特色了,我想这就是一种自信。2.主角一如既往的聋哑人手语大师,就战斗中能崩出几句话来。对比原神的主角,人家至少还有颜艺和叉腰等动作,崩铁的真就面瘫人了。 3.猛按键盘或者猛搓手机也得要三四十分钟的剧情战斗体验才能解锁自动战斗和双倍速,建议提前一点,很多人都是顶不住剧情又没解锁倍速就跑路了的。 4.战斗演出动画还是挺棒的,但是棒归棒,看多了也就腻了,没有关闭动画的选项,拉长了战斗时长。还有建议学学八方旅人的破核战斗反馈,崩铁的战斗手感和弹棉花一样没什么精气神。 5.需要大世界跑图,不能飞就罢了,角色不能跳,任务点就在桥下面,我不能直接跳下去,反而得绕很长的路碰无数的怪才能过去,挺痛苦的。 6.抽卡方面,继承了原的特色,角色池+武器池,0.6%的概率真的是回合制游戏该有的吗,抛开回合制还要抽命座和专武的问题先不谈,所有池子都是混池,有时候一发十连下去全是武器卡,人物都抽不到,拿什么体验回合制游戏的体系。 7.福利不行一直是米游特色,回合制游戏福利不行,那就出问题了,角色体系凑不到,那就硬堆数值呗?有人会说福利可以了,那第二天上线只能领到一张单抽你应该很开心吧。 8.ui和角色所有养成体系基本从原神照搬过来的,只能高情商来一句,方便原神玩家更容易融入游戏。