The story is about player wake up in hospital with a beautiful girl sitting on your bed side. She says about how her mistake and bad decision led the city to fall and the future is gone sh-t because of war and hatred. So she wants the player to lead the city of Kivotov instead and prevent the bad outcome if she is still in power. Now that girl as the student council president invite the player to be Sensei (teacher) to take her place and build a better future through love and respect with students.
All students has their own personal stories and struggling with problems like a normal teenager or some are carrying too much weight for a student... Teacher will be there and support their spirit and help them to grow up strong and become a better person. (but hey you the teacher may be a bit too hentai sometimes but with that, things go smoothly and funny... the students are like it so that's ok lol).
Main story is very interesting and well written. Characters has their own agenda and development that make you love them even more. And teacher's role will shine in the darkest time to give hope to students and teach them the important lessons. Sometimes this game make me realize about the real duty as an adult.
The gameplay is looking simple but pretty hard to master. You can set the team 4 units as frontline and 2 units to support from outside. Your students will running and gunning in the battlefield and hide behind the bunker on their own. Your job is to tell them when and where to use their skill. The skill card will cost skill gauge differently so you need to calculate the skill point and card set. Characters and enemies have their own type color that win or lose to each other like RPG style game so you need to study your students and utilize their strong point to win the battle.
i started playing this game around November 2022 and having fun with it. the gacha is pretty hardcore but that's depends on luck so i won't complain much. This game is pretty popular and making many memes with it. likeable characters is the strongest charm and i recommend this game as a game that start out strong and doing better every step in the industry.
ps. And don't worry about the gun and shooting. Kivotov girls all have halo on her head and that makes them super strong. Can tank an anti-aircraft canon, take a hollow point like a peashooter and get hit by a f-cking train but just flying for ten meters and other ridiculous sh-t lol They're allowed to carry their personal gun to defend themselves. Normally no one die in the gun fight and the serious case was unconscious and send to hospital.
當前遊戲的更多評論 更多
5.0虽然很突然,但是我希望阿露小姐能用她的双足使我窒息。 人是需要氧气的。即使是再强大的战士,若是被与氧气隔绝开,想必也无法再屹立了吧?人是离不开氧气的,这是当然的。 归根结底,人不过是一种为了呼吸而活着的生物罢。 因此,“别停止呼吸!”可谓是人类所共有的祖训。 但是,假如她愿意用她的双脚使我窒息呢? 如果,她愿意褪去鞋袜,将温热的双趺暴露在空气中? 如果,她愿意微皱着眉头,将尚带余温的袜子略带粗暴地塞入我的口中? 如果,她愿意狠狠地将一只玉足踏在我的脸上,用玉葱般的足趾堵住我的鼻子? 如果,她愿意口中责骂着,带着失望的眼神,将另一只带着暖意的玉足插入我的嘴里? 很抱歉,阿露小姐,我要做一个违背人类祖训的决定了。 我愿意,她用她的双足使我窒息。 我愿意被她用小巧玲珑的脚趾捏住我的鼻,将我珍贵的气孔置于她软嫩的指缝间。这时,应该就会有一丝香气漫进我的鼻腔,我会贪婪地呼吸,像是一个刚被拉出水面的溺水者,享受着生命中梦寐以求的甜美空气。她的香味在我的身体里循环,我的大脑被铭刻上她独一无二的印记。无法拒绝,无法回避。----直到她把另一只脚也放到我的脸上。 我眼前的光景开始变得黑暗起来。不止是因为她用她足趾遮住了我的眸,更重要的是,被她彻底堵住了呼吸的孔洞的我,开始感受到违背呼吸这个祖训的代价。 喉中,她的袜子因为浸润在唾液里而变得湿重难耐,我想把它们吐出,却被她用足踵拒绝。我与氧气已经彻底隔绝开了。
4.6“不要被强度蒙蔽了双眼,记得自己涩批的初衷” 这游戏我最开始玩就是因为角色,一个个的都是顶棒三年起步,最高死刑_(°ω°」 ∠) 玩的不久,说下我的看法 1音乐不错,挺好听的 2可以自己刷初始倒是让我眼前一亮,毕竟我这种非洲人,懂得都懂 3这游戏,没个两百抽建议不要抽,不要赌,你敢赌,他就敢不出 4故事情节没什么深刻内涵,轻松剧情,反派也没什么苦海深仇,放轻松玩就行 5厨力游戏,不要太在意强度,喜欢就冲,别错过了一个人听反方向的钟(๑•ั็ω•็ั๑) 总结,轻松剧情,众多福利,涩批狂喜_(√ ζ ε:)_