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元氣騎士 | 國際版

元氣騎士 | 國際版

Soul Knight | Global

Swordz Anderson


Great time waster that can either be casual or competitive. Both graphics and sound is decent, but might not appeal to people, srring that not everyone likes pixel art and retro music, and there are a few avatars like character skins that I would prefer an improvement. That being said, it is done very well and stays true to its own style. The gameplay is what makes this shine. Roguelike bullethell with quite a few mechanics and playstyles, not only characters have different strategics, but weapons with unique behaviour and random buff builds lead to thousands of possibilities: you could become God, or you could have your worst day yet. Rarely do you see games like this these day, which is what I personally seek.

And even though some might not take interest into games that require high focus, this is truly a gem that you should consider picking up whenever you have some free time to spare. The game is also free with some unlockable characters and skins for them.

And since Chillyroom made this, expect some wackyness coming your way. Better if you understand Chinese.

All in all, a great game that although not for everyone, but will definitely appeal to either who seek some challenge, or just wanna enjoy utter mayhem.

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像素画风倒也精致 游戏音乐动感十足 游戏玩法简单上手 氪金力度一切随心 凉屋的这款元气骑士游戏可谓是当初中国游戏里的优良作风加简单上手的玩法火遍了大江南北这样说应该没错吧(●—●) 游戏故事挺简单,元气骑士的bug不少,不过玩家也当这是游戏特色,游戏玩梗很多。因为游戏的随机性够强,所以你会武器伤心(为什么武器这么垃圾T_T)每一次的游戏更新带来的新内容也不少,凉屋对这游戏也是上心的。 有人说玩法长期下来无聊,其实我觉得无聊时玩玩这游戏会让我们更快乐,我觉得游戏很好。



常常跟朋友連線, Boss關總覺得就算是4人一起打都很難到達最後一關, 多人合作真的很考默契,會覺得運氣都很重要, 每次的體驗都可以不一樣,武器的名字外觀都很有趣[厲害]

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