刀劍神域 Unleash Blading | 國際版

刀劍神域 Unleash Blading | 國際版

Sword Unleash Blading | Global



Ok so, this game, think of it as an amped up SAO Memory Defrag...with energy system. Size wise, around 2gb. I recommend playing on emu if you have small space on phone, cause thankfully the game is smooth, gamplay wise and transition wise.
+ Action packed turn based combat
+ Graphically pleasing for fans of anime style arts
+ Has PVP, unlike MD and IF
+ 3* Chars are actually great
+ Home screen characters is always a plus, different reactions depend on current time and where you touch, but no intimacy like HI3
+ Not too grindy... yet, maybe grindy during endgame. So far, getting mats isn't hard
+ Surprisingly smooth

- Although comes with some QOL, still lacking important ones like auto repeat
- [tentative] Has an energy system, and so little energy. Need to log in at certain time to maximize energy income. MR on the other hand gives plenty of "energy bottle", wished SAO did the same...wait did they? I could be missing something
- Weapon gacha, better be careful with your currency if your f2p

In my opinion, they should've made the exploration stage as a separate content like HI3's open world. I like to read and breeze through story mode in mobile games.

Worth to note that this game has a high chance of growing, along with additional QOLs as with previous SAO games. So that's my opinion, go ahead and give it a try~ Oh and, grab a healer when you can, they're very important

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应该不会就我一个人这样吧?光是下载游戏就下了4遍,终于进去了,没事就卡死,闪退一下,两天小更新了4次,每次更新都要卡我一上午时间,我??? 游戏是好游戏,但是这个服务器着实让我很难受,希望能再优化下,让更多的人能玩到好游戏才是关键




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