Dont reset phone or delete the game expecting account is connected to ur gmail.
Lost everything idk Registered and kept transfer code but after spending hours building gundam all gone. Cannot login and lost my account. Many people lost account after getting full build set from gacha and then cant log back in. Horrible support team is very true. Because about 20 emails went back and forth for 3 months at the end they said sorry cant recover. funny alot players report similar like me. I feel like the support team are just there warming their seats.
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4.0我覺得超好玩的好嗎!除了抽蛋出4星低外,這遊戲根本非常容易上手,完全沒有問題,抽蛋石也給很多,抽多幾次完全可以得到四星,除非你是非洲人:) 故事也有趣,我個人比較喜歡主角存在感高點,即故事中對話選項多些,這個剛好篤中我的點,存在感不會太低,不像一些遊戲,主角像背景板一樣---[●我是板子●] 非高達真愛粉也能明白故事大向,簡單來說非完全性粉絲向作品。 而且!裝備是能覺醒的,就算只得到二星裝備也能變成四星的,一些不用心去玩,不看整體表現,只會亂打評分,罵人的人是不會明白高達的美(・ω´・ )(沒有引戰的意思,單純觀點) 無課黨也能輕鬆玩的遊戲( ~'ω')~