Aruruu 3.6 2019-11-04 03:59:33 投訴 Very need English and do 2 gacha one only with weapons and another only maps, but not in the aggregate, as now! If you correct these two points in the game you can spend more than one hour.
當前遊戲的更多評論 更多
5.0戰鬥玩法還挺有趣的 其他各種部分也都有一定水平 重點在於 有獸耳啊啊啊啊啊啊[賣萌][賣萌] 玩了一會兒 只能說 好可愛啊! 好可愛好可愛好可愛好可愛好可愛!!!!!! 真是沒辦法 看來只能把評分改成滿分了[怪笑]
5.0绅士游戏。 组织:695965742