As much as i hate Square Enix, i should say this game is actually amazing. Amazingly shit bcs they just reskin To Aru Imaginary Fest. That alone should explain the gameplay and all other stuff if you already tried To Aru before.
Let's be honest here, Square Enix being bad at handling their game is pretty much a well known fact. But to make things fair, i tried the game for several hours so i can confirm this reskin game and explain to you all who never tried To Aru before.
Gameplay is nothing special, it just auto turn base gacha game. You can just tap auto and watch the battle play out themselves. But that's not all, they put new wonderful feature on it unlike on To Aru. It's wonderfully stupid and useless at the same time, they have auto progress stage on story mode. Yes, auto progress, just tap it and the game will start playing VN part of the story then continue to battle stage, auto play battle, finish it, then going on again on next stage, all by themselves. You can just hands off from the game and ditch it, and yet, it's still stupid bcs this feature gonna stop at some points like tutorial or changing chapter. So if you don't pay attention, you prob waste your time more bcs the game stopped auto play in the midde.
Graphics is surprisingly good and smooth especially on good device, bcs there's barely any stuff to be animated. Especially on the enemies side, they just mostly become a ragdoll waiting their fate. Again, it's like reskinned To Aru, the UI/UX, how they just put no effort and slap colored square on chara and call it elemental properties, the ultimate animation and such.
Gacha have 2 things that you need to gacha, battle unit and assist card, both in the same pool/1 pool. Unit is 3% rate and assist is 2%. Quite normal and not bad honestly, 1 multi gonna cost you 3000 gems and you get enough to do 1 multi pull from pre reg rewards. How bad the gacha is or not, expensive or not etc is back to your own opinion, so i'm not gonna say anything about it, bcs it's money value for each person.
There's no noteable feature in this game, on shop you can buy chara or assist using shards or it's called coins here, which you can grind in games and from game event. It's quite a letdown probably if you're a huge fan of Mahouka yet already tried Imaginary Fest before. But if you are completely new and have no idea about that To Aru games, you may enjoy it quite a bit. At least till Square Enix mess up their game again.
Overall games just feel like a quick cashgrab using popular title and just for statisfying their fandom. They may like it or not, it's back to each individual. Personally i still able to recommend people to try it, especially for those who like the series. But you better play it as a side games with low time investment.
That's all from me, sorry not sorry if you get offended. Bcs this is how i review games, better than sugar coating all stuff and slap random 5* or 1*.
當前遊戲的更多評論 更多
4.4这个游戏大部分时候不需要vpn,需要vpn的地方为下载语音文件,进商店。直连速度较慢但是稳定,在不需要下载大量文件的时候直连就行,包括设定引继。 期待这游戏一方面是因为ip,另一方面是因为会让人想到魔禁的手游。玩法都是大同小异,只是细节设定的差异。仔细玩下来魔劣坑多一些。 福利:一般。从第一次活动看暂时没必要丢到较差去,虽然已经很差了。钻石全靠活动,因为活动太繁琐了,活动本身不给钻石。 抽卡:标准3%2%混池,有没有暗改自行体会。抽卡有抽卡券,抽卡券目前看虽然稀少却也不会太缺。普池应该还好。 保值:因为坑多,不提支援。人物卡较为保值,抽不到四星的时候也比较容易接受,三星一突加成最高,属性媲美弱四星卡,但是需要全突才能说稳胜四星。(一突加200多,满突加400多)。突破技能也会加强,而技能是通用的,加上可以丢到支援卡里,歪了,也勉强能接受。 节奏榜:没用,五国混战,四个网站都有节奏榜。每家都不一样,自己用好就行。千叶和深雪评价较为稳定,别的随缘。(有一家深雪给了垫底,看不起奶)。 初始:必须初始,可以限定入坑。刷初始手机无root比较麻烦,教程很长。而且我相信没人会重开。 肝度:开荒离谱、所以我说应该不会有人重来了。和隔壁红烧天堂一个问题,养成周期离谱。而且相同的,任务功能是和主线挂钩的,不开荒不行,rank4就开始要八九图了,不推主线没法玩。 差距:很大,你甚至理解不了那群秃子怎么能超你一倍的等级的(这游戏全靠硬肝),而卡的等级无法超越主等级。 氪度:目前微课就能获得完整体验(一单左右,不超过三单) 其他:因为氪金了,我不能说这游戏坏话,不然我会觉得自己脑子有问题。
2.8這類遊戲就是靠卡池賺錢的換ip 3d回合制遊戲,建模屬於較差的而且配音也只有幾個聲音讓為了看老婆而來的會挺失望。戰鬥時的動作個人感覺也違和,來來去去那幾個動作+平移移位[不滿][不滿][不滿]。卡面插圖屬於中等水準,美但又不驚艷。大家都期待的卡池概率對個人來說覺得挺高的,出彩概率5%至少我自己出得蠻多。石頭一關15*4=60石左右福利不算太高而且有分有償和無償石頭,所以課就算了隨便玩玩膩了就棄還行[不滿][不滿][不滿]。ps.抽卡卷也很容易出彩挺好的