KYM 3.2 2022-06-19 13:06:16 投訴 so the game is great, and after watching the outcomes, it shows how fast you think and how great is your mind at critical thinking... if you want a challenging yet fun game this is the right choice just you'll torture the teachers, lol
當前遊戲的更多評論 更多
4.6超好玩的遊戲,畫風也很可愛,過關之後還會有後續的畫面,讚讚 (老師要我留言說他超帥
2.4本着前几部都玩过的心理,试玩本作感觉有点失望 优点:和前几作一样的玩法,这次连老师都可以逃课了,在幽默的小关卡中一如既往的还有对人生的启示[不滿] 缺点:比前几作的难度低了不少,身为一款单机游戏却必须要连网才能玩,而你连网却是为了被广告折腾[發怒]