This game is quite generous about gems and spirit stones which you can use to summon heros but the true rare things in the game are dark/ light elemental heroes and they are better than those normal heroes. It's very hard for you to get your hand on them unless you're really lucky. Well, ppl who p2w can just purchase some packs to get scrolls which can use to summon them right away and you are nothing to them in the arena. It's just life, man.
Forgot to mention it, but the game is in Japanese but there are too few of lines. How could I enjoy my waifu that way? They just cry some "uh, ah, oh?" in a battle that makes it's boring as hell.
Conclusion: it's lacking as a waifu game and it's a p2w one as a tactical game.
當前遊戲的更多評論 更多
4.6刚玩半小时整天来说不错,里面需要另外下载大约好像没记错的话(683mb)的语音包,开局送火水木五星角色选择券另加一只暗属性四星角色,10连抽没有没送,宝石难不难赚目前未知,选择了global 国际服务器,通关普通1-3章故事过后会开放设置选项就可以更改中文或其它语言了。
4.6試玩影片, 1.這是日文版,如果你的裝置被偵測到沒使用日文,預設語言我想會變成英文,看不懂日文的人也能用英文來玩。在前面新手教程後就能去設定中做修改,改個畫質或語言都可以。 2.人設與live2D立繪都很棒,劇情方面也很王道,就是王子亞瑟拿著聖劍到處交朋友砍怪的故事。 3.剛開始只能上場3位角色,所幸第二章後能上陣4位,玩法是簡單的回合制戰棋,棋盤不大也無須動腦策略,可是不知不覺玩了45分鐘,單看這點就能表示,這遊戲能吸引我持續玩下去。 4.一個遊戲好不好玩,跟玩法、劇情、畫風、音樂、個人喜好...等層層的結合有關,這麼一個貌似普通的玩法,怎麼我又被韓國遊戲給折服了。