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Genshin Impact



this one's for gilbert and I don't have that much motivation to search for new games lately.

as far as "anime" styled games goes, the graphic is awesome in high settings. (yes, I was once went to internet cafe just to feel the 60fps high graphics) for my phone, it's also great.

depends on your character preferences, the gameplay could be super cool to real crap. they give new content regularly, as a casual to not to hard gamer I am, it's an almost perfect style. not so unpopular opinion, I like resin system. sure it could be improved, but I see it as their way to tell you to come back later. gacha rate, I agree it shit, but the pity system balanced it out. my one of a few complain though, is the artefacts grinding, where they rng-ed everything. [暈][暈][暈]

I forgot the reason why I started playing this game. but I'm staying for the Archon Quest. if I am to rate the story, Archon Quest holds the highest. Story Quest/hangout could be polished. event story definitely need some refinement.

now for the bgm. it is great as it is. but sometimes, I don't catch the feel of some bgm. mostly battle bgm.

overall this is a game I'll keeping. no promises. but I really want to see the twins trully reunited (or fought each other). if someone forced me to choose one game to keep for my entire life and give up others, I'll definitely choose to beat the hell out of him.

now I'll wait for my gilbert frame.

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開服玩到現在,56級了,玩久了沒東西做,就每天上上線做做委託花完體力就沒了,啊?活動?什麼時候有活動?我已經饑渴難耐了! 剛剛看了原神的部分評論,表示......嘖,原神玩家真慘,不說繼續被誤會,說了又被罵原X,現在的玩家素質都這麼差的嗎[為什麼] 要罵就罵,反正我不會反抗,你們說什麼就是什麼,說我原X就是原X,反正最後還是各玩各的,最後我不理你你不理我,偽和平結局[睡覺][睡覺] -------分割線------- 一週年活動扣死了,我從未見過這麼扣的一週年 ————2022 08 24———— 哦豁要2週年了

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