This game was developed at the same time as an anime series, which just ended the same week the game launched. This is a must-play for fans of that anime, as the fully-voiced story in this game is a bit different and it goes beyond the anime, with a much longer main plot that will still receive updates in future patches.
There's also side-stories focusing on specific characters and their relationships with the MC, giving a bit of "dating sim flavor" to the game.
As this wasn't enough, limited-time events will feature new and unusual scenarios for the main cast. For example: the very first event feature the main characters working on a spooky mansion as a maid and butler.
It's filled with fan-service for the fans of the anime, but honestly, the main characters are likable and interesting enough that even those who never watched the anime might appreciate those events, as well.
However, If you don't care much about the story in games or if you can't read Japanese, you will probably feel very bored playing this.
The story and characters are pretty interesting. The main writer also worked on the original persona games, and it shows! The mc is transferred to a peaceful countryside town, but he's suddenly involved in solving a series of mysterious murder cases that seems to have some connection to his recent weird dreams, where he's using magic powers to fight monsters. That's pretty much the basic plot of Persona 4, but doesn't take longer than the first chapter for the story in this game to do its own thing, so I can't say this is a rip-off.
No 3d models to be seen here. The game uses a combination of traditional 2d animation combined with layer/vector-based animation (it's basically the same as "flash animation"), meaning that characters will move around, make different poses and facial expressions during story scenes and battles, making it look kinda like an anime, but not as smoothly animated. There're other mobile games with better 2d animations, but that's doesn't mean this looks bad.
That'll probably be the deal breaker for most people. The combat uses a very traditional turn-based system, which isn't bad per see, but the developers probably tried to make it as simple as possible, so that even people not good at games could have fun. That's all too common in this current mobile market, but unfortunately, they made it far too simple! There's nothing that makes the battles unique, there's no depth to strategies, all battles feel the same. To make matters worse, there's far too many battles that you need to go through in order to continue the main scenario.
Cards can give a passive ability for your characters, as well as an extra 4th skill when certain conditions are met, offering some customization value, but still not enough to make the battles engaging.
This game uses a gacha system, as expected. You can get cards and characters from the gacha, but the rates are pretty horrible and the summon currency is very hard to farm, so most people will have a hard time getting new characters, which are the hardest thing to pull.
It's worth mentioning that you can recruit characters by simply playing the main campaign and clearing the novice missions, however! Even though those free characters have the same name, appearance and voice lines as the ones from the gacha, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME.
This game doesn't classify units by rarity, but it's safe to say free characters are equivalent to 3*, while gacha characters will be your usual 5*. The main difference is that gacha units will use a different element and have better stats than their free counterparts, but the dating-sim portion of this game will treat both versions like they're one and the same, so if you just want to see your favorite characters interacting with each other, the free units will be enough.
In conclusion: This isn't a bad game, I like it, but I can completely understand those who disagree. It's far from perfect and it's unlikely that future updates will bring any big improvement to the battle system. I recommend it for those who enjoy battle anime series with a bit of drama and edginess to it.
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5.0正月福利中规中矩,没有白嫖30连但是送了必中 每日单抽出pro了,我续费一年的wsd卫兵 —————————————————————— 12.19即将实装四倍速,羁绊上限开放至20 —————————————————————— 进不去就打1分的那些人建议马上人生remake吧~☆ 游戏性ok,福利属于中规中矩,靠的是日常积累,高星挂件只要打本就能拿,抽卡就是单纯按个人xp来了... 剧情有一点扳机的味道,整体画风什么的质量都不错。 —————————————————————— 开服是23抽+1必得四星回想+1必得彩角,签到活动还会再送回想和彩角各一张~主线会送大量强度角色~ 氪金方面轮换池为300抽一井,常驻池300抽送一张随机必得【常驻必定改了出率,我目前几乎是5抽1彩】,月常氪金大约1500元左右,可以拿到有偿单抽一个月/有偿必得1~2发/礼装万能突破1/角色万能突破2,微课体验极佳。 希望武士道别不识好歹,给爷把这游戏续的长点,不然明天就到你家公司门口[為什麼]
4.6很普的回合制,有兩倍速有auto有skip捲還能接受。 很吃屬性相剋,職業(沒特別講明)有嘲諷坦有奶有buff師。 主線送的角色也不錯,人物沒星等 (很喜歡這點,不然我老是喜歡低星卡角色) 抽池的角色,雖然是同一人,但屬性不同。 關卡限制必須使用的角色,不限制屬性,愛養啥屬就養。 第一天大修以外沒啥大問題。 一開服就有活動可刷 (活動獎勵禮裝好看,求官方出成角色skin啊) 喜歡氛圍,可以送禮培養角色好感(羈絆) 懸疑主線,正太少年大叔蘿莉御姐均衡,角色們有各自故事,不是只買肉,重視角色間的情感。 我會當作養成,看劇情繼續玩。 開局有點難刷,角色和禮裝同池,有送角色捲。 附上大佬提供的免重載方法 https://forum.gamer.com.tw/Co.php?bsn=71556&sn=43