What I like:
1) It has so many modes to play with! PvP club, PvE black forest exploration, Dance ball, Quidditch, and so many other classes.
2) The gameplay concept is interesting. It feels like it’s the combination of Hearthstone and Clash Royale based on a Harry Potter-themed story.
3) The main story is fun and intriguing. It also has a mode to re-live the original Harry Potter story.
4) There are many easter eggs in the game, you may find them amusing.
What could be better:
1) The system requirement for the phone is pretty high. It consumes a lot of resources to run and your device will become hot in a short period of time. I would recommend using an emulator to play the game.
2) Sometimes the app just shuts down/crash out of a sudden.
3) The difference between kakin players and free players is huge, you’ll feel that in PvP. This is something that I can accept though. After all, the game needs income to operate and those people are the source of the funds.
當前遊戲的更多評論 更多
4.2哈利波特IP,本身蠻喜歡哈利波特的,不過最喜歡外傳系列。 一開始因為看到卡牌對戰所以沒什麼興趣,不過認真玩了以後發現其實蠻有趣的。 對戰真的要走位動腦配卡,而且那些卡牌會有一種熟悉感,不過這要有接觸哈利波特本身系列作品的人比較有感覺(不過,我想玩著遊戲大多數應該都有接觸吧?) 音樂方面我自己是挺滿意的,而且那個左上角的主線每一格點一次就會是主題曲,真的蠻讓人驚喜的,期待後續故事出來把曲子按完(?) 至於舞會...不知道是我手機的問題,還是它真的會感應不良...拿其他遊戲來說就是吃鍵嚴重。因為本身有玩音遊,所以玩舞會的時候,明明我都能按到,但他卻判定失望讓我蠻難過的(雖然可能是手機問題) 教室玩法蠻有趣的,對戰就那樣,但是尼畫我猜小遊戲很有意思,挺好玩的。 劇情方面我自己是挺滿意的,過場動畫做得用心,而且劇情蠻常拿哈利他們來做範例w很有感覺。 我只針對我有興趣的地方去講,畢竟我也是剛玩,很多東西都沒有體會到,如果有機會會再說其他功能吧。