the UI the Art they were great tha bgm is okay its suit well i guess. gameplay pretty simple (i lied about it )chibi rpg. storyline etto its korean so skip it up. gacha rate probability good at 3% for 3 star characters. overall 6/10 worth to play maybe and lastly dame dame ..dame yo dame nanoyo XD
so gameplay.. you got alot of role like defender sniper vanguard nahh i bet you guys already know how it works #gamers instinct and its has a building to make where you have to make a food for deployment and a lot of stuff its easier to understand if it EN so just stick with it
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4.4試玩影片:https://youtu.be/_xzpjle7R4c 試玩心得: 1.立繪相當好,但似乎沒有主流的Live2D。 2.戰鬥整體表現不錯,開啟X2倍數還算有感。 3.自帶多國語言,雖無法自選語言,但未來肯定可以。 4.玩法部分算是較特別的,體驗玩時尚未發現重肝成長情況。 5.戰鬥與角色立繪均有水準,未來建議嘗鮮看看。 玩法部分: 可理解為多方勢力,進行回合制戰略。 劇情、訓練、攻擊等 均消耗次數1 達3次後則點擊回合結束。 切換為敵方回合,敵方主動攻擊我方時,戰鬥直接結束。 這部分算是相當貼心,省下不少漫長戰鬥的時間。