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Touhou Danmaku Kagura



I waited for this game with so much hype and now that it has released i feel a little bit of dissatisfaction
1- Only 20 songs? that's too few! 😥 I know the game just released and so it'll have a lot of errors and things to improve but it simply feels empty after you finish all the songs... I hope they add a lot more with the time cuz if they don't this game will die and i don't want such a good premise of a game to die
2- i feel like the game just gets stuck while loading sometimes, i know that should be normal cuz it just released and because I'm not in Japan but it's still very annoying when you want to play a song and it just never loads and you have to restart the game, and it's not even multiplayer, i would understand that if it was because i play P.sekai too and it sometimes gets me out of the matches but it doesn't take much to load at least.
3- the game gets very laggy sometimes and it's very annoying cuz that makes me lose my combos :(
and it gets even laggier when you activate vibration, i tried playing with vibration ON and i liked it but i have to turn it off because if not the game is just unplayable, at least for me, idk why, my phone is not even bad it can run most other rhythm games I've tried smoothly
5- The initial gifts, too few of everything, especially the gems for the gacha. It's nice that you get a guaranteed SSR just at the start but they only give you enough gems to perform like 20 more pulls from then and you can get almost nothing from the songs so if they don't add a multiplayer mode where you can get more you will have to buy the gems yes or yes and that's just a good way of making the players sick and bored of your game so i really hope they don't fall in the pit of the greedy ass companies (like for real, bandori gives you like 20,000+ just for "reading" the story and the initial gifts and also the pulls cost 50 less gems! (250 each)

I know the game is new so I'm gonna stay as neutral as i can be with it and keep supporting it for a few months to see how it improves, and i really hope that in some months i can change this review to:
"Excellent game, fun gameplay and it's touhou music what else do i have to say?"

當前遊戲的更多評論 更多



我踏马 现在就要玩 东方弹幕神乐



华↗为↘手↗机↘ 为什么你他喵的() 为什么你他喵的要() 为什么你他喵的会() 目前断触情况很少发生,情况还算不错,虽然在初级那边还没有问题,但到了高级那边问题就显然易见了。 按键combo那挺舒服的,有时候光在听歌曲都忘记点了,歌曲燃部分那边的弹幕演出属实是帅到不行!爱了爱了 HARD难度偶尔打打,能够通过真的是意外,有很多次是节奏打不好,断触情况没有,EX不敢打,同样也打不过,节奏感拿不住,经常打前两个难度打起来是真的舒服,毕竟不断触看到Full Combo真的是太感动了。正常难度节奏感还行的,重要的是体验,挑战困难不符合我[可憐]

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