Story's great, love the characters & I enjoy the voice acting a lot. Although... I remember the Korean one started off differently (storywise).
The game's easy to pick up, but can be punishing if you run an unbalanced team.
Gold can be a bit of a problem, but Gems, Diamonds & Materials are easy to obtain.
So yeah, F2P pretty much.
當前遊戲的更多評論 更多
4.2直接是改版后的版本,玩了几天应该和台服差不多,就是氪金不方便,翻译令人蛋疼,其他没啥大问题。 入坑推荐人可填574581,一起玩,有啥问题都可以问。 台服坐火箭,亚服直接坐飞船,开服二十天通行证,不到一个月双觉醒,没有最快只有更快,芜湖~ 亚服群 1050431156
yang liu