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Genshin Impact

AlubisKun Top Contributor


Genshin Impact

The art design is great, such as appealing environments, cool visual effects, gorgeous creatures, and most importantly all the characters are good-looking and charismatic. The interface and the graphics are very intuitive despite there being plenty of elemental effects in the game and the magical powers are flying everywhere.

Beautiful soundtracks, accurate sound effects, and absolutely stunning voiceovers. There are four languages to pick as the voice language. The discussion of preference on the language is all over the place. If you have always preferred the Japanese voice when watching anime or playing otaku games, the seiyuu will not disappoint you. I chose Chinese for my gameplay for a few reasons: It is my mother tongue, the script was written in Chinese and it generally expresses the context without losing its meaning in translation, the voices match the personalities of the characters in most cases. The experience is surprisingly good even though it might be against my instinct to play an anime-style game with a voice other than Japanese.

An open-world action role-playing game consisted of an interesting combat system, environment interactions, trivia, exploration, and adventure. The controls are smooth and the moves are seamless. The game incorporates many concepts as an action game and the scale is SO big considering it’s fully compatible on mobile devices. The combat system design is the one I reckon the most fun. Depending on your team compositions and the use of different elemental powers, it carries out countless combinations and makes the combat very satisfying. The more you play, the more you enjoy the sense of achievement by strengthening your characters, collecting equipment, exploring uncharted territories.

The story is good and makes you feel as if you’re reading a novel. The way it tells the story is linear and easy to follow. Every character has an extensive background story and the knowledge of the world is abundant that you need to heed the dialogs and the world quest context to grasp little by little.

Overall (TLDR):
In the first few hours, I thought I was playing an AAA single-player video game (although it actually might be considered one). The game is complete, thorough, and has great depth. It offers a delightful exploration experience, exciting encounters, pleasant art designs, amusing stories. You most likely will not regret downloading this and play through it.

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開服玩到現在,56級了,玩久了沒東西做,就每天上上線做做委託花完體力就沒了,啊?活動?什麼時候有活動?我已經饑渴難耐了! 剛剛看了原神的部分評論,表示......嘖,原神玩家真慘,不說繼續被誤會,說了又被罵原X,現在的玩家素質都這麼差的嗎[為什麼] 要罵就罵,反正我不會反抗,你們說什麼就是什麼,說我原X就是原X,反正最後還是各玩各的,最後我不理你你不理我,偽和平結局[睡覺][睡覺] -------分割線------- 一週年活動扣死了,我從未見過這麼扣的一週年 ————2022 08 24———— 哦豁要2週年了

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