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守望傳說 | 國際版

守望傳說 | 國際版

Guardian Tales | Global

AlubisKun Top Contributor


Guardian Tales

Cute pixel style. The designs of each character are interesting and there are many free skins that look amazing. They’ve well utilized the advantage of pixel designs to reduce the information overload but still managed to keep the atmosphere energized and exciting.

The music is very good and immersive in my opinion. The sound effects are good in general, and the voice acting is splendid especially in Japanese, as if I’m watching an anime series.

It does a great job on maintaining a balance among the simplicity, the accessibility, and the satisfaction of the combat system. The control is easy enough for most casual players while skillful plays are possible for the veterans. The variables of different weapon skill combos and the arrangement of heroes in the team make the fight changeable and flexible. The game mixes numerous types of elements as a whole, the one I specifically enjoyed was the puzzle factor. It’s very satisfying to resolve the puzzles hidden in the game and get all stars off the stage. One thing I didn’t find particularly interesting is the sim city building as it doesn’t majorly affect the progress and ended up a bit boring. The game has reasonable grinding needs but you can actually feel the heroes are getting stronger so I would say the feedback is good. It’s quite generous in giving out free resources if you don’t want to spend too much.

Like many other games the main storyline passes through all chapters, and it’s very interesting they’ve put a lot of side quests and side stories into the game. They help broaden and solidify the worldwide background story and add a bit of fun moments during the gameplay.

To summarize I think this is a great game in combination with delightful stories, amazing role play experience, satisfying combats, cute animated characters and interactions. I definitely recommend you guys to give it a try and play it for a while.

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遊戲劇情有趣常常玩梗(個人覺得真的優質!)除了主線劇情以外,外傳的劇情也毫不馬虎,有時不知不覺劇情看著看著就雞皮疙瘩了(>﹏<) (劇情真的神!) 畫面精美、人物可愛個性鮮明,毒舌的八尾狐狸、跟蹤兼偷拍的貴族魅魔粉絲,都超級可愛~! 遊戲福利很好,到現在為止送的免費10抽總共有30次了!鑽石送的很大方,在之後加入了保底機制,新手不用怕自己到後期都抽不到獨特角色,且商城每個月都會讓玩家購買一盒3星角專武、五盒2星角專武(無課的建議不要特地收集魔法金屬去抽900的白盒)所以不用怕自己一把像樣的武器都沒有(。•̀ᴗ-)✧ 遊戲會聽取玩家的意見,像是玩家反應的進化石和咖啡的問題,在之後都做出了改善,出問題時也會馬上處理!且現在也出了掃蕩機制,讓比較沒有時間的人,可以縮短在遊戲上的時間[開心] 遊戲性強,有節奏、解密、競技、打鬥...... 各種類型,都可以一次滿足XD,現在也出了多人遊戲,可以和朋友一起打怪(再也不孤單(?)雖然連線有點差啦[鬼臉] 目前我很喜歡這款遊戲,之後如果有更多想法再來留言,最後祝大家每次抽都有白盒,遊戲愉快( ゚∀゚)b 一周年快樂✓ 期待第二周年的到來~ (更)



游戏挺好玩,如果是咸鱼玩家,养成会非常慢二个月可能都出不了一个5星 池子剧毒…本人已经裂开了,已经退坑,实在是卡池太狠了,130发装备池子,全是垃圾你敢信,还没我打副本掉的好 发现很多都不会进游戏简单的发一下把 首先下载游戏,拔卡,挂加速器(不能台湾香港秒封的),如果你挂其他节点连不上去但是弹出来的中文,恭喜你可以裸连了(这个时候要是无所谓账号的游客玩就好,要是想绑账号先裸连进入界面点击登入…弹出游戏挂加速器,再进游戏会显示无法连接点确定就好,然后点击绑定账号…这游戏掉线依然可以绑谷歌) 如果操作不成功,第一次进就弹英文的已经锁区了,请卸载游戏删除客户端,重复上述(锁区必须删除下的安装包和游戏)

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