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Cytoid: A Community Music Game

AlyneM 遊戲獵人


Actually pretty fun. Like others said, it's Cytus and Osu out together. Surprisingly, the gameplay itself responds pretty well.

Beatmaps atm have a lot of Japanese, electronic songs (dubstep, trap, etc), and piano songs. You normally wouldn't find the usual copyright english songs, probably because of the copyright they make you agree to before joining the community. The best you could find of them are remixes.
At the moment this review was made, a lot of the recent beat maps are 15+ difficulty. If you want easier ones, there's a sort and search function because those 15 diff are not a joke xD This game is less forgiving than Cytus
If I understood correctly, you can also download some Cytoid beatmaps from Google.

Great music art found by the community, a lot of nice songs; I'd say give it a try if you like rhythm games.

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社区驱动的音游(类似malody,不过看板娘可以换而且玩法只有类cytus) 优点在于大多数时候不用氪金都可以在社区里找到很棒的曲子与谱子,自己也可以把自己做的谱上传到社区,玩家会进行评分 缺点在于判定过严格对新人来说并不是很友好(比arcaea还严格),同时活动奖励经常要求十分硬核,收集癖慎入,你很可能因为太蔡所以得不到限定物品 强烈推荐有一定音游游玩经验的人来游玩,yysy,练准度蛮香的



同人游戏 因为教程入的坑 曾经沉迷过一阵 后来在忙碌的生活中(花花世界的花花音游中) 迷失了自我 再回首大陆服已无期限停运 因为不可抗力……心脏好痛…… 不过没关系 等你回来[大哭]

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