this game is not like before, especially to get the 6 star character is very difficult unlike the first time this game appeared to be a 6 star character is a bit easy especially for new players, now new players have a little trouble getting 6 star characters
當前遊戲的更多評論 更多
2.0這遊戲唯一優點 能讓人玩到睡著
2.8不期不待,不受傷害 ip作向來就是賣給粉絲的,幾乎不用指望遊戲性 每每看到好ip的作品就知道,只要不是粉絲就可以不用試了,屢試不爽 歡迎有人拿具創意跟遊戲性的ip作品打我臉