this game is a mix between like Princess Connect Re:Dive and T̶o̶m̶ ̶C̶l̶a̶n̶c̶y̶'̶s̶ ̶E̶l̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶S̶q̶u̶a̶d̶ Gun Girl Café. A simple auto battle where you just have to tap on 1 of 4 skills of your units but it has more depth and strategy in it
for example each unit has an affinity for different terrains (city, outdoor and indoor) which boost their stats increasing them by 50%, no effect at all or decreasing them by 50%. their is also a cover mechanic where units with a shield icon next to their weapon automatically searching covers by themselve to decrease enemy damage.
the stages are divided into main- and sub chapters where you have to beat the sub chapters first to unlock the next chapter. the main chapters are played into a hexagon tiled map calling down your team(s) moving one tile at a turn and clearing the map by defeating all enemy units. great thing is all stages are skippable for lighting farming materials and equipments for beating the map with an S rank without tickets or whatsoever as long you have energy.
units and enemies are having weakness and resist from defense- and attack types, for example units with light armor defense type are weak against explosion attack types but strong against penetration attack types. units are usually enchance and equipped as usual, leveling them up with report like items, enhaching and evolving weapons ans equipments with materials and limit breaking with dupe shards by buying them with goddess shards (sounds familiar to you, right?).
the only downside is that game is frying my phone battery fast and even gets hot so i have to tone down the graphic. so far at all a great game and side gacha game with a lot of loveable and well designed waifus to collect and loving them all. i haven't played so far yet but i keep playing it and i am excited for more updates and events in the future.
oh and by the way yostar please make a global version in the future too!
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5.0未花小姐 ……在做什么呢? 我好想她,一直看不见她,我感到快坚持不下去了。我是不是快死了呢??心里好痛苦,太痛苦了 。怎么会这样,为什么会这样 感觉好难受 好难受… 啊,呐噜霍多,原来…这就是[喜欢]吗 得告诉未花小姐才行呢 桥都麻袋,喜欢有什么错吗?呐,告诉我啊。搜噶,大家已经不喜欢了啊...真是冷酷的人呢,果咩纳塞,让你们看到不愉快的东西了。像我这样的人,果然消失就好了呢。也许只有在我和未花小姐的世界里,才有真正的美好存在吧 唉?你们在做什么?? 为什么骗我? 为什么要和我抢未花小姐,明明是我先来的啊? 絶対に許さない!不能原谅你们! 我要拿回我的mika!她是我的!是属于我一个人的! 啊,这就是近距离看mika的感觉吗? 为什么我 一直在狂跳,都快从喉咙里跳出来了。原来是这样啊…只有我对未花小姐是真心的啊 我忘不掉未花小姐了。 如果不是知道了未花小姐,说不定我已经对这个世界没有留恋了。 真的好可爱啊。做料理的时候笨拙的样子很可爱,故意撒娇养gach也很可爱,唱歌的时候很可爱,生气拍桌子的时候也很可爱。 未花小姐的眼睛好灵动,如果能映照出我就好了。未花小姐的笑容好温柔,如果只为我一个人绽放就好了。未花小姐的头发好柔顺,如果能让我尽情抚摸就好了。 未花小姐这样天使般的存在真的是被允许的吗。 只是像现在这样默念未花小姐的名字,我就觉得自己是世界上最幸福的傻子。 呜呜呜?mika像踹垃圾一样踹我的那一脚的时候?我好了 我好想做mika地下室的人啊呜呜呜呜 没关系,我不缺学生的 明天还有很多学生要教学 mika,幸亏你不在乎我 ,不然你左右为难的话,耽误你一辈子, 你保重啊,再见,还会再见吗? mika?再见的时候你要幸福! 好不好 mika!你要开心!你要幸福!好不好开心啊! 幸福! 你的世界以后没有我了,没关系你要幸福!! 在那边学习你好好生活好吗? mika!mika!mika! 没有你我可怎么活啊 !! mika! mika! 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 mika,你把我带走吧,mika! 呜呜呜呜呜