Best tower defence of all! I have only got into this so late, it has been around for 7 years and I am like walking into a super mall for the first time There are some handsome boys too, I love it! Also, I don't have to spend all day playing, the units are well-designed and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. It would be great if they can add more handsome boys to the list, I only have 4, the rest are old and hairy men Great game to play if you enjoy tower defence
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walala wang
4.2千年戰爭算一算已經過了4個年頭,準備邁向第5年了。在當時,有坦補打概念的“塔防”遊戲並不多。雖然是抱著想看色色圖片的心情而開始,但是到了現在卻是專心的玩遊戲,色色圖早已拋至腦後[開心] 而且遊戲內沒有任何與人比較的機制,完全不用為了競爭而課金。同時也沒有古戰場系統要你放棄人生(沒有人可以離開古戰場,沒有人👮) 想玩就玩,不想玩只保最低每日任務的時間也非常的少,對我手上或許還有其他遊戲的人來說真的很棒